Suffering Essay

Suffering is a part of life. However, there are many differing concepts of suffering. In some religions, suffering is a punishment for wrong doing or lack of faith. Some view suffering as the driving force behind our actions and accomplishments because without it we would not have any motivation to do good things unlike in heaven where there is no need to do good things because there is no suffering.

Suffering has been viewed as a means of spiritual development by which we are purified or purged of our sins, or developed into better people. Suffering is also believed to be embraced through patience and faith in order to attain positive results for life after death which may include eternal happiness or rewards that are different from what you experience on earth. Suffering can help us understand that life does have meaning if looked at properly.

It gives importance to things not seen before because of the difficulty involved with them so you appreciate them more when they are achieved. Suffering also helps us see God’s purpose for each human being on earth because it is meant to get us ready for heaven where suffering will cease forever since it won’t exist. Suffering is also seen as a test of faith or to fulfill God’s purpose for you which is to make us disciples. Suffering can be increased in order to purify us more before God and increase our reward even more after death.

Suffering can also be viewed as an opportunity to practice virtue because through suffering we are better equipped because it makes us stronger, wiser, and shows our trust for God who will always help us overcome anything that may come into our lives. Suffering has many different views but the main view is that it’s all about spiritual development where you strengthen your faith through hard times so you can become closer with God.

Suffering has been embraced by many religions because they believe their god brings people into the world to suffer in order for them to become closer with their god. Suffering is used as a punishment for not believing or sinning against God. Suffering also purifies the soul so that one day it may be accepted into heaven, but suffering does so by testing your faith and strength through hard times whether they are experienced on earth or after death when you go to heaven.

Suffering has many different purposes which include strengthening your faith, practice of virtues, increase in spiritual development, purification of the soul, showing God’s love for you through hard times, test of will and trust in God, opportunity to show gratitude towards God who brings you into this world to experience pain and difficulty because he loves you enough that he doesn’t want you to suffer in eternal damnation after death which is an opportunity for everyone to accept God so they don’t have to go through this.

Suffering has many purposes but the main one is purification of your soul so you can be accepted into heaven because God loves us enough that he wouldn’t want us to suffer every second throughout eternity, but gives us opportunities to achieve great things here on earth and show our gratitude towards him through suffering even though it may not always feel like it at the time.

Suffering is the basic problem of religion. Suffering is also the basic problem of life (if you believe in God). Suffering is one of the biggest questions for mankind, and maybe it is even bigger than death itself (because suffering sometimes lasts longer than our entire life). Suffering can be defined as “anything that makes normal life difficult or impossible. ” Suffering can come from pain, discomfort, fear, guilt, stress, mental problems like anxiety/depression/psychosis/schizophrenia etc. , financial problems etc. Suffering can result in emotional problems like depression or just plain non-mental issues like financial problems!

Suffering comes in all sorts of forms! Suffering doesn’t have to be experienced directly, because the pain from heartbreak or a broken limb etc. can also cause massive amounts of suffering! Suffering can be either chronic or acute. Suffering is a huge problem for mankind and it’s a good question to ask God: “Why do you allow so much Suffering? ” It’s really easy to blame God for Suffering in the world, don’t you think? Besides natural disasters, where else does Suffering come from? The person next door who doesn’t have enough money for food?

Wars going on worldwide killing thousands? Are children starving around the world? Animals being tortured by humans? The list goes on and on… Suffering happens all around us and we can experience it every day if we just open our eyes. Suffering is not always easy to understand and we can’t always make sense out of it, because Suffering doesn’t make sense. Suffering makes us feel lonely and isolated as if God abandoned us completely! The worst Suffering comes from intangible suffering like pain/depression/anxiety etc. , but also the most common Suffering is intangible!

Intangible Suffering comes from “mental” issues like depression or anxiety that cannot be seen by others; you can pretend that everything’s fine on the outside, while inside you’re suffering immensely with these mental problems… But why does Suffering exist? I mean: It has been scientifically proven that Suffering causes more Suffering, so there must be a reason why we can’t get rid of Suffering (and why it causes Suffering, right? ). That’s a valid argument – Suffering causes Suffering: Let’s put that into perspective, shall we? If someone abuses you, then you’ll become an abuser.

When you feel bad about yourself and people mistreat you because they can see your weaknesses (mental issues like depression or anxiety), then you’ll start to mistreat other people because deep down inside you think they deserve to be treated badly too. You will use Suffering as a weapon against others because Suffering has become the only thing you know how to do; this is what I call “Suffering = Weapon,” and I’m sure it happens all around us in one way or another. Suffering is a mindset, and Suffering can become a habit that’s very hard to break! Suffering is also a cycle that goes on forever until the Sufferer decides to stop it…

Suffering: Something God cannot protect you from? Suffering is something we make up in our minds! Suffering comes from evil thoughts or trying to do things outside of God’s Will. Evil thoughts come from Satan because he was the first one who decided to suffer, but he has convinced humanity that Suffering will bring joy! Suffering is how Satan works – through Suffering comes corruption, just like with original sin: Eve tasted the fruit after being deceived by Satan (evil thought), which caused her to give the fruit to Adam. Suffering is the most infectious disease in the world, because Suffering makes you want to suffer more!

Suffering also makes it easy to lie, steal and cheat! Suffering is a mind disease that’s passed on from one person to another just like physical diseases! Suff Suffering does not exist, but Satan took advantage of our innocence when we were children and got inside our minds. Suffering comes from evil thoughts, which are thoughts outside God’s Will. God doesn’t create Suffering. Everything happening now has already been decided by God before creation, nothing happens without Him knowing about it beforehand. God created us with free choice so He gave us the power to choose whatever we wish… But there are consequences for choosing wrongly!

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