Teen Depression Essay

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published data that reveals the number of teenagers suffering from depression.

Teenagers are more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression than any other age group, according to new research.

An investigation by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) discovered that nearly four per cent of 15-year-olds ” self harm “, compared with 1% of adults . Teenagers were also found to be most likely to have suicidal thoughts , with 14% of 16-24 year olds surveyed stating they had considered suicide in the past year, rising to 21% for 25-34 year olds . Of 15-year-olds questioned, 7% said they’d suffered from depression , rising to 8% among 16 – 24 year olds and remaining at 8% among 25-34 year olds.

Teenagers were also found to be less happy than other age groups, with 12% of 16-24 year olds claiming to have been unhappy in the last week, compared with 9% of children aged 11-15 and 6% of adults . Teenage girls were shown to be more likely than teenage boys to self harm (5%), suffer from anxiety or depression (9%) or consider suicide (14%).

This article discusses teenage mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, and how it has worsened in recent years. Teenagers today are facing increasing pressures both inside and outside of school settings, many of which did not exist when previous generations were.

In the United States, around 3 million teenagers have been identified as suffering from depression. Teenage Depression can be detrimental to a person’s quality of life as it is rather common for those with Teenage Depression to struggle at school and develop poor relationships with friends and family members. Teenage Depression has even been identified as a factor in teenage suicide. Teenagers with Teenage Depression often feel isolated and alone because they do not know who they can confide in about their struggles without fear of being judged.

The causes of Teenage Depression are still somewhat unknown but most experts believe that chemical imbalances in the brain may trigger Teenage Depression, though certain environmental factors such as stress trauma, bullying or sudden loss may also play a role. Teenage Depression is more common in girls than boys and Teenage Depression is also likely to occur alongside other mental health problems such as anxiety or addiction.

The symptoms of Teenage Depression typically include low moods, lack of motivation and concentration, changes in sleep patterns and weight loss but Teenage Depression can present itself with different symptoms in teenagers than it would adults and some teens may even deny that they are suffering from Teenage Depression when their friends or family members suggest they see a doctor about it. It is important for any teenager who thinks they might be suffering from Teenage Depression to seek professional help because without treatment Teenage Depression can have serious long-term effects on people’s lives.

Teenagers with Teenage Depression can feel overwhelmed by their symptoms, but Teenage Depression is common and Teenage Depression is treatable in most cases with therapy, medical intervention or both. Teenagers with Teenage Depression should not be afraid to reach out for help because they are not alone in this battle and there are always people who are willing to listen and provide assistance when needed. Teenagers dealing with Teenage Depression should stay strong in the face of these symptoms and remember that Teenage Depression may make them feel like they’re losing themselves but it’s simply a part of them that needs to be treated.

Teenagers affected by Teenage Depression must learn how to cope with their symptoms in order to protect their mental health because recovery from Teenage Depression can be a long and tedious process. Teenagers going through Teenage Depression should treat themselves with kindness and remind themselves that they are not a burden to those around them. Teenagers suffering from Teenage Depression need to understand that Teenage Depression can be fought because once it’s defeated, the battle scars only make them stronger.

In some cases teenagers might become depressed after losing someone who was close to them or as a result of being bullied by an individual or group of people but depression does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex or social status and everyone is susceptible to its effects regardless of their background or situation. Teenagers dealing with Teenage Depression may feel like staying inside and shutting out the world but this time is crucial for Teenage Depression sufferers to pull themselves out of the darkness and Teenage Depression can be defeated with professional help.

Teenagers who are afraid to speak out about Teenage Depression should try reaching out to a friend or family member they trust, because it is always better to ask for help than suffer in silence. Teenagers dealing with Teenage Depression need to learn how to cope with their symptoms effectively so that they do not feel overwhelmed by their problems. Teenagers struggling with Teenage Depression may find it useful to keep a journal where they can express their thoughts and feelings without judgment from others, as this form of self-expression can provide Teenage Depression sufferers with a greater understanding of their inner struggles.

Even though Teenage Depression can cause Teenagers to feel isolated, Teenage Depression sufferers should seek out Teenage Depression support groups in their area because Teenage Depression is a problem that affects many people and Teenage Depression support groups can provide Teenage Depression sufferers with the comfort of knowing they are not alone in this battle. Consideration: Teenagers who suspect they may be suffering from Teenage Depression should speak with their GP or another medical professional rather than try to self-diagnose as Teenage Depression can have many different symptoms which vary from person to person.

It is important for teenagers with Adult Depression to maintain good mental health by making lifestyle choices which promote positive thinking so that their quality of life is never compromised. Teenagers need friends and family members who will listen to their feelings and Teenage Depression sufferers who feel like they are alone should remember that Teenage Depression can be fought if Teenagers reach out for help. Teenagers with Teenage Depression may feel like harming themselves or attempting suicide but Teenager Suicide is never the answer because Teenage Depression can be defeated .

Do you need more information on how to deal with Teenage Depression? Contact our helpline and speak with a member of our Teenage Depression support team today, your call will remain anonymous. As a teenager one would naturally assume that there is little in life that can affect them emotionally or mentally as they have yet to experience the hardships that adults face on a daily basis. A teenager has not gone through the struggles of trying to raise a family or work a full-time job so they may think that Teenage Depression is not something that can happen to them.

Teenagers are often seen as carefree individuals with no worries or concerns therefore it may come as quite the shock when Teenage Depression affects teenagers in their lives. Teenagers suffering from Teenage Depression may be afraid to show signs of Teenage Depression because they are terrified of being judged by the people around them, which is why it is essential for Teenagers who suspect they might have Teenage Depression to speak with someone about their feelings rather than deal with them on their own.

Teenages feel many different emotions on a daily basis and these emotions do not always present themselves as Teenage Depression necessarily. Teenagers dealing with Teenage Depression may not be diagnosed as Teenage Depression sufferers until they reach adulthood or Teenage Depression may be the cause of their problems during Teenage years. Teenagers who are suffering from Teenage Depression will find it difficult to face each and every day and tend to withdraw themselves from family members and friends.

Teenagers struggling with Teenage Depression often experience a loss in self-esteem due to their depression, which makes them feel unworthy of love and affection therefore it is essential for Teenagers coping with Teenage Depression to surround themselves with positive people who can bring joy back into the lives of those who are suffering from Teenage Depression.

Teenages can also suffer from Adult Depression so it is important that Teenagers who might be Teenage Depression sufferers not ignore the symptoms of Teenage Depression. Teenages experiencing depression should speak with their GP or another medical professional rather than deal with Teenage Depression on their own as Teenage Depression can be very serious and should never be taken lightly.

Teenagers struggling with Teenage Depression often find it difficult to focus on anything which can cause them to flunk out of school or miss work therefore Teenager Suicide may seem like the only option available, however if teens reach out for help they will discover that Teenage Depression is something they can defeat. If you are a teenager struggling with Adult or Teenage Depression then please do not ignore these feelings because Teenage Depression is nothing to be ashamed about.

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