The Idea Of Dialect In Aristotle’s Rhetoric Research Paper

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the word rhetoric is defined by being the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. In The Rhetoric by Aristotle, the use of the word rhetoric explained throughout the whole text with details and point of views which interact with human beings. Aristotle explains how the art of persuasion is striving to enter out lives and how people are shaped into just seeing one perspective of a speech topic. Right from Aristotle’s Rhetoric, Aristotle claims “Rhetoric is the counterpart of Dialectic. Both alike are concerned with such things as come, more or less, within the general ken of all men and belong to no definite science” (Aristotle 53). What Aristotle means by this quote is that the rhetoric used is equally defined by the term of dialect. Dialect is the way a topic is discussed using logical advantages. The logical advantages provide a…

Thus, Aristotle provides an introduction to his theory of rhetoric. First, it resembles the reader to deeper questions of how people can use the art of persuasion to manipulate an idea or argument. Secondly, the quote shows how Aristotle perceives rhetoric as a form of art and not as a science. According to Aristotle, the difference between science and art is that art is used everyday in any form of rhetoric speech. Lastly, the quote helps the reader understand how logic can wrongly be use through the form of rhetoric. For example, one use of persuasive speech can twist the information in someone else’s mind, to the point where one’s reality becomes someone else’s reality as well. The quote itself helps the reader understand Aristotle’s Rhetoric by providing an introduction to Aristotle’s theory of rhetoric. With Aristotle’s theory, people understand how the use of rhetoric affects their lives in the way of intellectual…