The Importance Of Pursuits In Today’s Society Essay

Pursuit by definition can mean,” an activity that one engages in as a vocation, profession, or avocation”. In today’s society there are many different pursuits taken part in by many different people. The citizens in our society try to pick a particular pursuit to follow and make sure that it is wise that they are involved in it. Whether or not the pursuit is considered wise is up to the people engaged in or observing said pursuit. Among the many possible pursuits only 6. 9% or 22 million out of the 318. 9 million people in our country are engaged in the field of food production agriculture.

However, agriculture has been called and firmly believed to be our wisest pursuit. Thomas jefferson once stated, “Agriculture … is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals & happiness. ” This quote is stated many times throughout the course of many agricultural endeavours. It is the cornerstone of many agricultural degrees, organizations, and speeches. This quote has brought forth the very belief it states. When considered and analyzed this belief makes more sense than not considering all that goes into the agricultural life.

In the first part of the quote it states that agriculture will contribute to the most “real wealth”. This means that the pursuit of agriculture will stimulate more economic growth and wealth in the long run than most other pursuits. Agriculture is a huge part of the economy not just in the United States but the entire world. For starters, mentioned earlier there are approximately 22 million people are employed and involved in the production and raising of our food. That totals up to 22 million jobs put into work by the agriculture industry just in the food production field.

This total oes not cover the many jobs created by other fields of agriculture such as mechanics and agricultural technology. Aside from the jobs agriculture is responsible for, the industry brings forth big spending in our national economy. In fact, annually consumers spend around $547 billion for food originating on United States farms and ranches. Agriculture is continually growing to compensate for the ever increasing population. With a growing population production must increase to provide for the many more mouths to feed.

With continual growth and guaranteed business agriculture will constantly make an impact on the U. S. and world economy. Agriculture is responsible for “good morals” and even leadership skills. Wise pursuits always contribute not just the economy but also to one’s character and morals. Agriculture can alter a person’s character and attitude in big ways. Whether you are on the farm working in cattle and you have to use patience to deal with the cattle, or you are the head of a large seed company and you must use your morals to allow the farmers two more weeks to get their soybeans in the ground after a drought. Agriculture has impacted and led to the development of major organizations.

Organizations such as, 4H, The National FFA Organization, and even FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) which have made huge impressions on the world today. The most prominent organization in the United States today would be The National FFA Organization with over 610,000 students and members involved. Agriculture is the entire reason FFA was created. This organization teaches of agriculture in a way that leads to skills being learned that can be used in the future. If you invest wisely in something it gives more back than what you put in and this exactly what The National FFA Organization does.

The organization shows this in its mission statement which says, “FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education”. The FFA teaches leadership skills such as how to lead a meeting and encourage others through the teaching of agriculture. These skills are important skills that can be utilized in the future. The FFA also encourages future employment in an agricultural field which means more jobs in agriculture and people to continue feeding the people of the world as the population grows.

Agriculture can also be perceived as our wisest pursuit in the view of necessity. There are many other pursuits in our country as stated before, but which ones are necessary? There are people who are in the pursuit of developing the newest smartphone with the latest software and trying to make money off it but is that necessary for the world? Some pursuits are in fashion. To get the latest style for “pre-mid-fall” they follow leads to get the information and techniques, but is it necessary? The truth is that these pursuits are everywhere and are making good money and making people happy.

The happiness though is nothing compared to the happiness of the starving kid that gets fed for the first time in days. This happiness can only come through the use of agriculture to produce and raise the food we all eat and even donate to hungry families. Farmers today produce more food for more people with less land than they have ever had. Agriculture and farming is on the decline while the earth’s population is rapidly on the incline. With more people and more mouths to feed this means the world is going to need more food to eat.

Food that is produced by farmers and people involved in agriculture. The entire world needs to see how big of a necessity agriculture is to this world and then maybe the farming population will grow. Some may counter with the fact that agriculture is not the wisest pursuit for the fact that it deals with the domestication of animals and using them for meat. Organizations such as PETA claim farms cruelly treat the animals on the farm and inhumanely slaughter them. They claim animal farming is one of the worst pursuits to be involved in.

To those organizations such as that this counter argument will clear some things up. When it comes to people in the world not everyone is a vegan obviously. With people relying on animals off of farms for certain nutrients they need farming is necessary. Farming animals provides money for farm families to live on. Animal farming is a very important part of agriculture and the food industry and most all restaurants would not prosper if it weren’t for animal farming. Agriculture makes an impact. An impact that shapes many parts of many american’s lives.

From the economic impression agriculture makes to the moral impression to the absolute necessity of the field of agriculture. Agriculture is always going to be needed and important in people’s lives. With all the many different pursuits in the country and world agriculture sure does stick out. From creating billions of dollars in the economy to being the main influence in the largest student run organization in the country. All the positives of agriculture can only add up to one conclusion, “Agriculture … is our wisest pursuit… “