Things Fall Apart Literary Analysis Essay

“Things Fall Apart” is a novel written by Chinua Achebe that tells the story of the decline of the Igbo society in Nigeria. The novel follows the life of Okonkwo, a strong and respected man in his community, as he witnesses the changes that come with the arrival of the British colonists. As Okonkwo struggles … Read more

Hubris In Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart is a novel by Chinua Achebe that tells the story of Okonkwo, a man of great prestige and power in his tribe. However, Okonkwo’s hubris leads to his downfall, and he is eventually exiled from his tribe. This essay will analyze Okonkwo’s hubris and how it leads to his undoing. Okonkwo is … Read more

Proverbe’s Things Fall Apart

Proverbs and idioms have been around since the existence of language. In Things Fall Apart, Achebe uses these proverbs and vernacular language very well to write a novel that is appreciated and understood by a diverse crowd of readers. To be able to explain a very different culture to a diverse group of readers is … Read more