Student Loan Debt Thesis Statement

Student loan debt has become a major issue in recent years, as the cost of university education has risen and more students have been forced to take out loans to cover their costs. The average student loan debt in the United States is now over $37,000, and the total amount of outstanding student loan debt … Read more

Banco Multipa Case

S&P affirmed Banco Multiva’s credit ratings on a national long-term scale of ‘MxA’ and short-term of ‘MxA-2’. The outlook is stable. At the same time, the credit agency affirmed their long-term rating on national scale ratings of ‘mxBBB-‘ of its issuance of subordinated debentures, and a rating of ‘mxA’ of stock certificates offered by the … Read more

Free College In America

Free college is a utopic vision created from the 2016 election that promotes and idealizes socialism. This seemingly unattainable goal for Americans has been created on a foundation of poor information. However, the reality is that affordable college is coming around the corner. The piles of student loan debt accumulated are forcing Americans to make … Read more

Student Loans Analysis

Student loans have spiraled out of control within the last few decades and this is negatively impacting our society. The average of obtaining a degree at a public four-year college is $9,300 and has been steadily rising by four percent since 1985. This trend is most likely going to continue the way it is and … Read more

Essay On Students Idea Of The American Dream

A College Students Idea of the American Dream As the slumbered student walks through the creaking halls, the weight of despair fell to his shoulders quickly when his eyes ran across the amount of debt towards his student loans. In school, children are told to work hard to have good grades to prepare for the … Read more

Student Loan Debt Analysis Essay

The story of student loan debt isn’t too often talked about, students don’t take it too serious like they should. College students that barely have time to work spend four years thinking about the student loan; how it will affect their life after college; how they will manage to pay it later. Seven in a … Read more