Gandhi And Martin Luther King Similarities

Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi are two of the most influential and inspiring figures in history. Both men fought for what they believed in, using their voices to rally people to their cause. Martin Luther King fought for civil rights in America, while Mahatma Gandhi fought for independence in India. Though their methods were … Read more

Juneteenth Day In Texas Essay

On January 1, 1980, Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas through the efforts of Al Edwards, an African American state legislator. The successful passage of this bill marked Juneteenth as the first emancipation celebration granted official state recognition. Edwards has since actively sought to spread the observance of Juneteenth throughout the U. S. … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

One of the most famous documents in American writing is the 1963 letter written by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from his jail cell in Birmingham. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” was written in response to eight clergymen who had condemned his recent anti-segregation protests calling them “unwise and untimely” (1). Shortly before this time, … Read more

Martin Luther King and Malcom X

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X – Two Views, One Cause Many black authors and leaders of the sixties shared similar feelings towards the white run American society in which they lived. Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Martin Luther King, and Stokely Carmichael all blamed the whites for the racism which existed. However, they agreed that … Read more