Susan Sontag On Photography Ap Essay

Photography has been both praised and criticised throughout its history. Some see it as a way to capture memories and moments, while others see it as an infringement on privacy. Susan Sontag was one of the most well-known critics of photography. In her book ‘On Photography’, she argues that Photography is a way of appropriating … Read more

Bystander: A History Of Street Photography

Joel Meyerowitz, a photographer born in New York, best known for his street photography and landscape. Meyerowitz was not set out to be a photographer when he first entered college, but decided painting, medical drawing, and art directing for an advertising agency could not compare to photography. After collaborating on an advertising project with Robert … Read more

Crime Scene Investigation Essay

In solving a crime, a crime scene is usually imperative to the investigation. Documenting a crime scene helps to establish some of the evidence or rather investigative leads which may help solve the case. Additionally, the leads found in the crime scene can help solve the case or determine what happened. Poor scene documentation can … Read more