True Love In A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay

A Midsummer Nights Dream
“The course of true love never did run smooth”. This quote from the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream is very true because there are so many things that can possibly go wrong when you find “true love”, I myself dont really have a lot of experience when it comes to finding a significant other, but in the play “A midsummer Night’s dream” all sorts of things happen between the most complicated love triangle you will come upon on, it goes from being forbidden to be with your true love to chasing someone who clearly feels animosity towards you. In the play there are many disincentives that Hermia, Lysander, Helena and Demetrius face and all because of one thing,love.
Hermia the daughter of Egeus had fallen in love with the charming amorous Lysander, but her father had already found someone else in mind Demetrius a…

Helena did everything she could but it just wasnt good enough for Demetrius. Helena didnt understand why Demetrius loved Hermia if Hermia always rejected him and didnt want to get married to him scene one act one 201 “ The more I hate, the more he follows me”, act one scene one 196 “ I frown upon him yet he loves me still” 197 “I give him curses, yet he gives me love”, Hermia also didnt know why Demetrius pursued her and wanted to marry her if she didnt love him and he knew that yet he didnt care because he was infatuated with her, he didnt care that he was hurting Helena with his actions. He is just like any other guy he got what he wanted then left,Helenas love life wasnt going so well she wasnt as good looking either but like people say love is blind right. If you asked any married couple or just couple if love is easy, they will probably give you the are you serious or the are you really asking me this right now…