What Is The Purpose Of The Devil And Tom Walker

The Devil and Tom Walker is a story written by Washington Irving. The story is about the devil and a man named Tom Walker. The devil makes a deal with Tom Walker where he will give him wealth and power in exchange for his soul. Tom Walker agrees to the deal and becomes wealthy. However, the power that the devil gives him causes Tom Walker to become corrupt.

Eventually, the devil comes back to claim Tom Walker’s soul and he dies a miserable death. The story shows the consequences of human greed and how it can lead to destruction. The story is a warning to people not to be tempted by the devil’s offers. The story is also a reminder that the devil will always get his due.

In the tale, one sees a man make a deal with the devil, who is known as “Old Scratch” in the narrative, for the sake of personal gain. Tom Walker makes a bargain with the devil and reaches an agreement that he believes to be equitable based on what he knows. The note of humor in the tale adds to the sense of danger generated by making agreements without intending to keep them.

In the story, Tom Walker is already a man who is not considered to be very upstanding. He is known as being a miser and he takes advantage of anyone he can. It is this greed that leads him to make the deal with Old Scratch in the first place. Tom is looking for a way to get rich quick and does not care how he does it. The fact that he is already seen as a dishonest man means that once he makes this deal with the devil, no one can really trust him anymore. His reputation is ruined and there is now a sense of fear that surrounds him because of what he has done.

Tom Walker’s wife died soon after his encounter with the devil and people started to say that she went to hell because of her husband’s dealings. This only served to further ruin Tom’s reputation and he was known as the man who sold his soul to the devil. The irony in all of this is that Tom never got the wealth that he was hoping for. The deal he made with Old Scratch was a bad one and he ended up losing everything. In the end, it was his own greed that led to his downfall.

Irving’s narrative “The Devil and Tom Walker” is a moral tale that warns readers against avarice and corruption. Irving uses an allegory to illustrate this theme, in which the characters, tools, and events are used to represent more than simply elements of the plot.

The Devil, in this story, represents the temptation of greed and materialism, which can lead to ruin. Tom Walker represents the average person who is tempted by the Devil’s offer but is ultimately saved by his own conscience. The story concludes with Walker’s confession to his wife and her subsequent forgiveness.

Irving’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption. The Devil represents the temptation of these sins, which can lead to ruin. Tom Walker represents the average person who is tempted by the Devil’s offer but is ultimately saved by his own conscience. The story concludes with Walker’s confession to his wife and her subsequent forgiveness.

This story teaches us that it is important to be aware of the temptations of greed and corruption, and to have the strength of character to resist them. The consequences of giving in to these temptations can be disastrous, as Walker learned. It is also important to have a strong relationship with those we love, as this can provide the support we need to resist temptation.

In “The Devil and Tom Walker,” Irving uses the woods as a setting and symbolism to illustrate human depravity. In S1, the dark, swampy forest reflects our baser human instincts that lurk in our subconsciouses, eager to take over.

The allure of money, symbolized by the Devil, entices Tom Walker to sell his soul and succumb to greed. The consequences of his choice are dire, as his health and sanity quickly deteriorate. The dark environment also demonstrates the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies sin. The story concludes with Tom’s death, a miserable fate brought on by his own selfishness.

In this tale, Irving warns us about the dangers of giving in to our base desires and sacrificing our morality for short-term gain. He shows us that once we cross that line, there is no turning back. The story is a cautionary tale that still resonates with us today. The Devil and Tom Walker is a perfect example of how human intent can have disastrous consequences.

The devil represents Tom as typical of many individuals who lived in the town, including those whose names Old Scratch had carved into a tree near the Indian Fort. When the devil shows him a tree belonging to a greedy citizen, Tom fails to realize he is just like it when he “looked in the direction that the stranger pointed and beheld one of the great trees, beautiful and flourishing without, but rotten at its center.”

The devil tries to get Tom to sign a contract in which he would get rich quick, but Tom refuses and the devil takes his wife instead. The story concludes with Tom living in poverty as a result of his own actions and choices, having learned nothing from the experience.

The Devil and Tom Walker is interesting because it is one of the few stories that focus on the aftermath of making a deal with the devil. Most stories about the devil are about people who make deals with him and then immediately regret it, but this story shows what happens to someone who does not repent and instead chooses to live in sin. Tom is portrayed as being very foolish and unwise, never learning from his mistakes even when they cost him dearly. The theme of this story seems to be that humans are not capable of handling the consequences of their own actions, and that evil always catches up with those who do not repent.

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