Amory Blaine’s “Mirrors” in Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise

In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel This Side of Paradise, the protagonist Amory Blaine is preoccupied with his own image and self-identity. He frequently reflects on his own character and personality, using mirrors as a metaphor for his reflections. For Amory, mirrors represent a way to examine himself objectively, and he often turns to them as a source of comfort and insight.

Amory Blaine’s “mirrors” play an important role in his development as a character. They allow him to explore different aspects of himself, including his vulnerabilities and insecurities. By confronting these aspects of himself head-on, Amory is able to gradually become more self-aware. Additionally, Amory’s mirrors help him to understand his relationships with other people. By seeing himself in relation to others, Amory is better able to understand the dynamics of those relationships.

Ultimately, Amory Blaine’s mirrors help him to come to terms with who he is and what he wants out of life. They provide him with a means of exploring his innermost thoughts and feelings, and they act as a catalyst for personal growth. Thanks in part to his mirrors, Amory eventually finds happiness and self-fulfillment This Side of Paradise.

Amory Blaine searches for his identity in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise by “mirroring” people he admires. These, however, are really barriers that prevent him from finding his real self. He falls in love with ladies whose personalities captivate him; he imitates the actions of men he looks up to. Eleanor Savage and Burne Holiday are excellent illustrations of this idea. Amory continues to look for his soul in all the wrong places until he loses his primary “mirror,” Monsignor Darcy,

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise is a novel about the search for identity. Amory Blaine, the protagonist, mirrors people he admires in order to learn more about them. However, these “mirrors” actually prevent him from discovering his true self. For example, he falls in love with Eleanor Savage and Burne Holiday because they have personalities that intrigue him. He also copies the actions of the men he looks up to, such as Monsignor Darcy.

Eleanor Savage and Burne Holiday are important figures in Amory’s journey to find himself. Eleanor represents what Amory wants to become – someone who is confident and knows her own mind. However, Amory is not ready for the emotional intensity that comes with Eleanor. Burne Holiday is the complete opposite of Eleanor. He is someone who Amory can easily dominate and control. In the end, Amory realizes that he needs to let go of both Eleanor and Burne in order to find his true self.

Monsignor Darcy is a pivotal figure in This Side of Paradise. He represents the “mirror” that Amory needs in order to find his soul. When Monsignor Darcy dies, Amory has a spiritual epiphany and finally understands who he is. This knowledge allows him to reach his “paradise” – the understanding that he doesn’t need to mirror anyone else in order to find his identity.

From a marketing standpoint, Amory appears to be an odd protagonist. He mostly relies on his good looks and money to get by in life. He was given brains, but he takes years to figure out how and when to use them. During his late high school and college years, Amory spent his time frolicking with society’s young debutantes. 

By constantly interacting with others, Amory projects an identity for himself until he becomes bored or discovers a new personality to mimic. Amory is unsure of who he is, what he truly feels, and what he believes. He merely develops his current personality based on how he imagines himself to be. In essence, Amory is browsing at a personality store, trying on each one until he finds one that fits.

One of the ways in which Amory tries on different personas is through his relationships with women. He cycles through many affairs, never really committing to any one woman for an extended period of time. Amory views women as mirrors in which he can see a reflection of himself.

This is most evident in his relationship with Rosalind. Rosalind is the only woman that Amory has ever been truly honest with and she represents everything that he wants to be: beautiful, poised, and intelligent. However, Amory is too scared to fully let himself go and be who he really is around her so he sabotages the relationship.

Ultimately, Fitzgerald seems to be criticizing the superficiality of 1920s America and its obsession with image. Amory is a perfect example of this. He lacks any real substance or depth and is only interested in what he can see in the mirror. This Side of Paradise is a cautionary tale about the dangers of living a life based on appearances rather than reality.

When Amory was a youngster, he spent his adolescence in the presence of his effervescent mother, Beatrice. As long as it was fashionable and compatible with contemporary values, Beatrice raised Amory to be what she wanted him to be. When Amory goes to Princeton, he separates from his mother, who essentially thinks for him.

Rather than trying to become her, Amory imitates her behavior in order to be closer to her. This emulation is also apparent in his relationships with Rosalind and Cecilia. Rosalind, the beautiful and popular girl that he falls for, is admired by Amory for her social graces and poise. He tries to become like her in order to win her over, but eventually fails because she can see through his act.

Cecilia is different from the other women in that Amory does not attempt to become like her. She is a quiet, unassuming girl that he can talk to about anything. Eventually, they marry and have a child together.

One of the most notable examples of Amory’s emulation is his essay on “The Romantic Egotist.” This work is a reflection of Amory’s attempt to become the very thing that he is writing about. He takes all of the traits that he admires in romantic figures like Byron and Shelley and puts them into one character, which he calls the romantic egotist. This persona is someone who is in touch with his emotions and follows his heart, no matter what others think.

Amory’s emulation of others eventually leads to his downfall. He spends too much money trying to keep up with the high society lifestyle that he imitates and ends up getting into debt. Additionally, his constant pretending makes it difficult for him to form lasting relationships. Eventually, Cecilia leaves him and takes their child with her.

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