Process Essay: How To Stop Side Cramps

Have you ever wanted to know how to stop side cramps from ruining your workout? Whether you are running in a race, jogging to lose weight, or doing an intense workout to build up your endurance, cramps (or side stitches) can be immensely annoying and sometimes quite painful. They manage to strike at the most inopportune times and can completely destroy your exercise routine. The good news is that you do not have to suffer through these bothersome aches; there are actually several ways you can stop and treat side cramps. Here are five practical measures you can take to keep side cramps from ruining your workout!Side cramps occur because of improper breathing. When you are winded and taking shallow breaths, you are much more susceptible to these pesky pains.

If you practice breathing prior to your workout, however, you can train your body to take in and process oxygen more efficiently. Work on…

Frantically guzzling water in the middle of your workout can negatively impact your breathing, causing you to gasp for air between gulps. Do not let your breathing get out of whack in this way. Instead, take small sips of water often.So what should you do when, despite all of your preventative measures, you get a side cramp during your workout? If you do develop a side stitch, know that it is okay to slow down. You need to let your breathing stabilize. If you are doing reps when the pain hits, take a beat and decrease your speed. If you are running, slow your pace or opt for walking until you catch your breath.When it comes to getting side cramps, offense is the best defense. In terms of exercise, that means do it often and do it regularly. The more frequently you work out, the more opportunity your body has to get strong. You will find that your body naturally adjusts, effectively learning the best way to avoid pains like side stitches without you having to do much at…