Beowulf As A Hero In Beowulf and Grendel

Since the beginning of time, people have had heroes that they have admired, but only few extraordinary men and women actually have the opportunity to become true heroes. In Beowulf, Beowulf is brave, loyal and performs superhuman tasks, while, in Grendel, Beowulf is clever, self-assured, and has incredible strength. Beowulf, originally an oral narrative, was … Read more


Transcendentalism was a movement in philosophy, literature, and religion that emerged and was popular in the nineteenth century New England because of a need to redefine man and his place in the world in response to a new and changing society. The industrial revolution, universities, westward expansion, urbanization and immigration all made the life in … Read more

Japan Politics

In 1960 Japan was ruled by the conservative LDP. Nabuski Kitchie ran the LDP, a man who had been jailed as a war criminal during the occupation. His comeback can be attributed to his pre-war contacts in big business. Kitchie believed to survive Japans economy had to grow. I order to do so Japan’s businesses … Read more

Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Politics

I hope I won’t seem too politically incorrect for saying this but after immersing myself in the writings of the guilt-obsessed asexual Jack Kerouac, the ridiculously horny Allen Ginsberg and the just plain sordid William S. Boroughs… it’s nice to read a few poems by a guy who can get excited about a little candy … Read more

“A Doll’s House” by Hendrik Ibsen

After reading “A Doll’s House” by Hendrik Ibsen. I can conclude that there is both a parallel and a contrast structure in the characters of Mrs. Linde and Nora. A contrasting difference in the characters, are shown not in the characters themselves, but the role that they play in their marriages. These women have different … Read more

Wisdoms Melancholy

Man has always been characterized as a curious creature, desiring to learn and expand his knowledge base. In the past men have defied everything in nature and in their souls to just find the answer to their most vexing questions. Ecclesiastes correctly proclaims that the wisdom and knowledge man lusts after leads to sadness and … Read more

Idealism, Realism and Marxism

Realism is a method to study and practice international politics. It is the oldest form of international relations in political history. It takes an approach where it emphasizes all world politics deals with the pursuit of power, and states fight for the control of this power. It makes the assumption that all states are only … Read more

School Uniforms

Until President Clinton called attention to the issue in his State of the Union address, mandatory public school uniform policies were sporadic local occurences. A few school districts had been quietly experimenting with uniforms for years, but the issue caught President Clinton’s eye after the Long Beach, California school district released some numbers suggesting that … Read more

The Sisters Revealed

Blog Sisters’ slogan “Where men can link, but they can’t touch” describes itself very well. The Website is a team blog with over one hundred registered female members of all ages who “come together to share knowledge, ideas, stories, conversation, wisdom, and the occasional dirty jokes” (Sessum). Jeneane Sessum founded Blog Sisters in February 2002 … Read more

AOL Time Warner Merger

AOL Time Warner is the world’s leader in Internet technologies, e-commerce services, interactive services, and web brands. AOL started up in 1985 and initially offered limited online services for then a relatively small market of personal computer users. Today, it serves more than 27 million members of its flagship AOL service, along with more than … Read more

The Many Flaws of The Great Gatsby

There are a few, very rare, moments where Fitzgerald allows some insights in the characters of his novel, The Great Gatsby. These occasions should be marked red. Most of the time, the story annoys the reader with imaginary pictures of the Golden 20s, which really were never that golden, or images of our hero, Gatsby. … Read more

Caryl Churchill

Who is she and where did she come from? Caryl Churchill is one of England’s most premier female, post-modern playwrights. She has strived throughout her career as theatrical personality to make the world question roles, stereotypes and issues that are dealt with everyday, like, violence, and political and sexual oppression. She has been part of … Read more

Apple History

In past years, Apple was on a downward spiral, but now the Mac is back on the right track. The interim CEO Steve Jobs has brought them from expected quarterly loses to now, first quarter net income of some 150 millions dollars. The question still remains, is Apple back to stay? With the Windows driven … Read more

International Relations

The study of international relations has been a contested ground for many decades. A specific indication of this would be explaining or understanding the nature or knowledge of the world. Many theorists from different schools of thought since the 1930’s have debated the contributions made among themselves. The main terminology here initially is the epistemology … Read more

A Comparison on Homer and O Brother Where Art Thou

In Homer, the main character’s name is Odysseus. In O’ Brother, the main character’s name is Ulysses. They both are on a journey to their home. Odysseus is headed to Greece, because he was in a war with Sparta that was away from his home. Ulysses is headed back to Mississippi because he escaped from … Read more

Steven Spielberg

As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father … Read more

Prisons Essay

We all know that our prisons are the final frontier for the socially rejected criminals and violent offenders. We know that our prisons are so overcrowded that the Supreme Court of California issued a court order to reduce the number of inmates. We know that since there are more inmates in prison the chance of … Read more

The Manufacturing Practices of the Footwear Industry: Nike vs. the Competition

The current manufacturing practices of the sneaker industry, in particular companies such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Converse, and New Balance, takes place throughout the globe. With the industry experiencing severe competition, and the product requiring intensive labour, firms are facing extreme pressure to increase their profit margins through their sourcing practices. The following paper will … Read more

Predator – Prey Relationships

The relationship between predators and their prey is an intricate and complicated relationship; covering a great area of scientific knowledge. This paper will examine the different relationships between predator and prey; focusing on the symbiotic relations between organisms, the wide range of defense mechanisms that are utilized by various examples of prey, and the influence … Read more

Berlin Blockade

On June 26, 1948 the largest airlift began as the American and British forces began the Berlin Airlift. To understand how the airlift came to be, we have to look all the way back to the Yalta Conference. The Yalta Conference began in February 1945 in which the three superpowers, America, Russia and Britain, met … Read more

The differences between new and old computers

It’s amassing how technology has advanced in several sort decades. The differences between new and old computers are very drastic. The evolution has come a long way from the first computers to modern ones. In fact who invented the computer is not a true simple question to answer. Really many inventors contributed to the history … Read more

Surrealism And T.S. Eliot

Surrealism is a dangerous word to use about the poet, playwright and critic T. S. Eliot, and certainly with his first major work, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock “. Eliot wrote the poem, after all, years before Andre Breton and his compatriots began defining and practicing “surrealism” proper. Andre Breton published his first … Read more

Arthur Miller’s play Death Of A Salesman

In order to really understand Willy Loman, from Arthur Miller’s play Death Of A Salesman, the reader must analyze the way his character is developed. Studying his thoughts, actions, how he relates to other characters and how other characters relate to him enables the reader to come to an understanding of the world in which … Read more

Time Line: Wagner’s Life

Richard Wagner was one of the most influential and controversial classical composers of all time. Most of his works were operas and they addressed many aspects of his personal feelings: society, politics, religions, etc. Though many hated (and still hate) him and his work, most revere him to be a multitalented genius that brought 19th … Read more

All the King’s Men

The amount of change people go through in their lives is remarkable. One day, you can be a devious criminal, while the next you could turn a new leaf and become a saint. The change that Jack goes through in All the Kings Men, is comparable to that of the patient who receives a lobotomy. … Read more

Nicholas Green vacation

As his familys month-long vacation to Italy approached, seven year-old Nicholas Green became increasingly excited about the trip. The rosy-cheeked second grader devoured books on Roman history. He announced that Julius Caesar was his new hero. Nicholas showed great interest in the Greek and Roman myths that his mother, Maggie, read to him, particularly the … Read more

Managing from a global perspective

Managing from a global perspective requires managers to pay close attention to factors in the external environment, which may affect an organisation’s success. It may be, however, that factors in the internal environment will also influence success in a global environment. It is important for global managers to be familiar with the factors of the … Read more


It is impossible to rigorously prove or substantiate the existence of a Soul, a psyche. Numerous explanations have been hitherto offered: That what we, humans, call a soul is the way that we experience the workings of our brain (introspection experienced). This often leads to infinite regressions. That the soul is an epiphenomenon, the software … Read more

Who wouldn’t want to get free music off the Internet?

I know I would jump at the chance to be able to get all the music I’ve ever wanted for free. This is what the program Napster has attempted to do. But, you have to as yourself, what about copyright laws? What would happen if everybody stopped buying albums because they could get it for … Read more

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s plays about tragedy. It is about two lovers who commit suicide when their feuding famillies prevent them from being together. The play has many characters, each with its own role in keeping the plot line. Some characters have very little to do with the plot but some have … Read more

The Plight of the Toads

Toad. The word conjures up images of a grotesque, little amphibian and yet it is this little animal that Larkin decides to base his poem on. He describes two toads. One is the exterior influence that society has on and individual to work, and the other is the interior or personal prompting to work. He … Read more

Sophocles play Oedipus Rex

In Sophocless play Oedipus Rex Oedipus Even though fate seems to determine Oedipus’ life, . he does infact have a free will. His choices brought the prophecy to life. Only his decisions (not influenced by anybody) he made. Of course those decisions were in side of the limits set by fate. When Oedipus heard a … Read more

The Taming of the Shrew: Act IV Scene I

Grumio arrives at Petruchio’s house after accompanying Petruchio and Kate on a long journey from Padua. Grumio affirms the fact that the servants are well prepared for the new couple’s arrival. He tells Curtis, another servant to Petruchio, of an incident that occurred on the trip. Katherina’s horse had thrown on her off and then … Read more

Pierre Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada

Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, was once described as “A French Canadian proud of his identity and culture, yet a biting critic of French-Canadian society, determined to destroy its mythology and illusions”. He has also been identified as “A staunch, upholder of provincial autonomy holding the justice portfolio in the federal government”. Such … Read more

Friedrich Nietzsche, a unique philosopher

Friedrich Nietzsche, a unique philosopher had some very interesting ideas about peoples human values and personality types. In this essay I will explain what I like and dislike about his “Master Morality” & his antithesis to this, “Slave Morality”. According to Nietzche, all morality is a manifestation of the will to power. The other is … Read more

Antithesis Of Man

The Two Gentlemen of Verona deals with the debate over the relative merits of love and friendship between two young courtiers Valentine and Proteus. One of the great debates of the Renaissance was the discussion of whether the love of a woman was a sentiment more noble than the friendship that might exist between men. … Read more

Stephen Hawking Life

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. His father, Frank, was a specialist in tropical medicine, his profession often kept him away from home and family. Hawkings mother, Isabelle, was a very politically active person, which kept her away from home too. Even though his parents were gone a lot, they … Read more

Dwight David Eisenhower

He was born in a small town called Deniso in western Texas in the year 1890 (Hargrove 22). Then he and his family moved to a railroad town called Abilene in the state of Kansas. Here Dwight Eisenhower grew upwith his 13 other family members. (Hargrove 19). Dwight David Eisenhower is one of Americas greatest … Read more

Napster: First Amendment Right?

Napster is a company that operates exclusively online as a virtual music forum. Napster not only allows its visitors the ability to participate in ongoing discussions through its message board forums and online virtual chat rooms, but it also allows its visitors the capability to exchange music files (MP3s) with other Internet users. Because Napster … Read more

A Review of Antisocial Personality Disorder in Criminals

The Antisocial Personality is (APD) is a serious disorder that affects many males and cause a great threat to families, friends, and even complete strangers. Most personality disorders may cause an inconvenience to a persons family and friends, but usually harm themselves more than others. Antisocial Personality Disorder contrasts from other personality disorders because the … Read more

The Cherry Orchard: Reality, Illusion, and Foolish Pride

In the plays The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, and Galileo by Bertolt Brecht, the protagonists’ mental beliefs combine reality and illusion that both shape the plot of each respective story. The ability of the characters to reject or accept an illusion, along with the foolish pride that motivated … Read more

The Harmful Effects of Nicotine

Politics and prejudices aside, evidence is piling up to show that nicotine- is habit-forming, especially when delivered via cigarette smoke. As a drug-like agent, nicotine works directly on the brain, creating physical and psychological needs that millions of people worldwide find hard to resist. Even the stark reality of cancer and heart disease does not … Read more

Compaq Computers

Compaq Computer Corporation was founded in February 1982 by Rod Canion, Jim Harris and Bill Murto, three senior managers who left Texas Instruments and invested $1,000 each to form their own company. Their first idea was a portable personal computer that was sketched on a paper placemat in a Houston pie shop. The founders presented … Read more

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson became the nation’s seventh president in 1829. He made significant changes in American politics at that time. He was very popular with the people because of the fact that he was a hero of the War of 1812. He had also served in the senate and was a tough man who had manifested … Read more

Human Rights in Brazil

The population in Brazil consists of 144 million people. Brazil is one of the fastest-growing nations in the Western Hemisphere. Its population is increasing at the rate of about 2% a year. The constitution of Brazil gives the president tremendous powers. For example, the president may intervene in affairs of Brazil’s states. The chief executive … Read more

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park is divided into seven sections, each with a quote from Ian Malcolm. He was a mathematician who specialized in the field called chaos theory, which based itself mainly on nonlinear equations. The first section follows the paths of several scenes, where in each one, there is evidence pointing to the appearance of dinosaurs. … Read more

Dinh Le: Art With Reality

The reality Dinh Le illustrates in his artwork appears to foster a subjective sense of uniqueness while containing a deeper, more intimate meaning. As Le first arrived in the United States in 1979, he also brought with him the culture and experiences of his country, Vietnam. He portrays his experiences and thoughts through photographs, installations, … Read more

Harriet Ross Tubman

Harriet Ross Tubman was an African American who escaped slavery and then showed runaway slaves the way to freedom in the North for longer than a decade before the American Civil War. During the war she was as a scout, spy, and nurse for the United States Army. After that she kept working for rights … Read more