Definition Essay: What Is Love?

There comes a moment in time where everything is twice as sweet, the sun is warmer than usual, and all five sense are fully active. You feel invincible, floating on the cloud you’ve always dreamt of and you realize you cannot attain the ground. There’s blood running through your veins thicker and faster; only because your heart is beating uncontrollably. And that happiness you believe you’d never receive, is now overflowing in your body. In that moment, you know you are in love. The thing about love is that it is always there to give; even when you believe it has been taken away from you.

Everyone has one person they’ll only love ’til the end of time. Their hearts won’t open up to anyone else; until they are manifested by another. When you allow that love inside your soul, you begin to ponder why you thought you could not love anyone else. It’s as if you are allowing yourself to breathe for the first time, after being drowned. Over and over again. Leaping into commencement. The beginning is beautiful. It starts off as an opening to a new world, a refresher. Everything seems as if it was all sunshine, only because they haven’t seen the clouded areas.

The areas that are carrying storms. Everyday the love you once felt for someone else is slowly drifting on to the next person. You begin to learn new things; things that excite every nerve in your system. With that new finding, comes self-realization, you are a new person. You are no longer walking over the eggshells of an old lover. The newest, yet happiest memory is no longer with the past, but with the beholder of your future. With the emergence of a new love, there are no questions because you know in your heart, this is the moment you have been immensely longing for.

There is no letting go; no detachment. As time passes by, you remain unaware with the concept of loving another. Trying to gather it all together.. Slowly time eventually becomes months. You’ve now reached the middle. The clouded areas begin to move towards the center of the sun. All the places that had color, now have grey droplets scattered around. Small arguments occur here and there, making you ready to turn around; run. Comparisons begin to happen between the old lover and the new one, questioning every situation that’s happening.

You begin to imagine the what if’s, and that leap you were ready to take in the beginning, is now far from where you once stood to jump; at the edge of a cliff. The middle is a baffling choice you’ll ever encounter. It is whether to move forward, or to simply let go. You decide to take that leap of faith, with precaution. You take a few more steps, closer to the edge of a cliff, once again. Deep down you cling on to this new idea, an unaccustomed kind of hope. Praying for the best, knowing that the worst has yet to befall. They open the wounds you once bandaged up.

Allowing the dry blood from before be seen, and giving the person a chance to heal them up. Only to find out they cannot be healed completely, they become scars. With the scars comes a reminder; reminder that you cannot let go of the past. You can only accept what has been previously done to your skin, allowing the pureness of it escape. It only becomes a lot more heavier, the few grey scattered droplets are now overshadowed by a dark cloud. The happiness that was once overflowing inside of your body; is now spilling out but you fight through it.

You continue to strive, regardless if the scars are there, because to you they are an obstacle. And to any fighter, no obstacle is too hard to overcome. The more wounds that scar up, the more you grow attached to the healer. You still linger the concept if what you feel is love, or an attachment. Although it scares you to jump from where you currently are, you lift off. You jump because you know you’ll crash into a wave of water. You jump knowing there may or may not be rocks at the bottom. You’ve now reached the ending.

Here is where you have it all together, you crashed through the water hitting a few rocks. And you swam. You swam with this person who waited for you at the bottom. Not only did they show you how to breathe, but they saved you from drowning again. It isn’t until the moment where you reach eye contact, seeing past the clouded areas, past the storms; that the person you jumped the cliff for, is the person you’ve grown to love. It isn’t until the moment you realize the healed scars are also carried with them.

You have also healed wounds for them. In that moment, you both come to learn that scars eventually fade. The fondness of them take you over by the element of s Suddenly you are gushed with a new feeling of love. Different from what you have felt once. This type of love consumes you. It takes you to place you never imagined, and you quake with fear. Fear to lose it all. You give it all you can, because that’s the only thing you know you can do. In giving it your all, you find yourself feeling crazy. That is what a great love does to you.

Crazy because this one person, now carries your soul, your heart, your mind; as much as you don’t want them to have control they do. So you act out. And the water you swam to unite with them, begins to get shallow and slowly the grip loosens up. The grip of the person is not as strong as it was at the start, and the frightening part is; you have no idea how to swim. If it wasn’t for them waiting for you at the bottom of the cliff, you would’ve drowned. You hold on tighter than ever, because you are afraid to lose them in the waves.

Only to find out that holding on just makes it harder for the both of you to survive. The weight of yourself, weighs them down; coming down to one option. You must drown to save them. And that is what love does. Love comes, just as quick as it goes. Regardless of the greatest memory, regardless of the battles you both have overcomed. It doesn’t matter how strongly you felt, what matters is you found it within yourself, to sacrifice everything you once stood for alone, to let someone in. To let someone show you what it is to feel a deep love.

That is and will always one of best things you can ever do in life. There comes a moment in time, where you loved once so deeply, it continues to live within you. As it lives on, the existence of love will always repeat itself; you will always learn the true meaning of love through sacrifice. And until someone sacrifices themselves as much as you have, you’ll know it in your bones it was meant to be. There comes a moment in life where you take it all in and realize; being in love is the most powerful feeling you will ever feel. And it will take to places you’d never apprehend.