Essay about The Indus Valley Civilization

From the year 2600 BC to 1900 BC, a major civil culture, known as the Indus River Valley Civilization, made it to its climax in a region now known as South Asia. The Indus Valley Civilization was an enormous civilization that consisted of over 1000 individual varying settlements. The settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization spread through what is now all of Pakistan, sections of Afghanistan, and some parts of India. When archaeologists attempted to investigate the civilization, one key aspect that was never resolved was its mysterious disappearance. Over the years, many different debates or viewpoints arose as to why the Indus Valley Civilization vanished.
Even though the exact explanation for the disappearance of the ancient Indus Civilization…

Some scholars debate that the actual cause for the mystery in the Indus Valley is environmental stress, like climatic change. According to evidence cited with the ancient civilization, the Indus Valley Civilization necessitated a wet environment to supply all the materials needed for the society to grow and prosper. After a millennium, the wet environment in the Indus Valley shifted to a drier environment, which pushed the ancient civilization into a downfall. In fact, researchers believe that the dry conditions began in a period in the second millennium BCE. Other evidence that supports the viewpoint of environmental stress as the cause, includes the shifts in the routes of many rivers that served as main water sources. The changes in the routes occurred mainly because of tectonic forces acting on the surface of the Earth, like earthquakes. Once the old routes of the shifted rivers dried out, the result would include many issues and obstacles for the people settled near the area. Some of the issues faced by the Indus people include, the loss of arable land, the decline in food production, the relinquishment of successful cities, the movement of populations away from the valley, and the rivalry for limited resources. Altogether, if the natural events stated above acted on the Indus Valley Civilization,…

Maybe the answer is hidden within the unique writing system of the Indus script, but until a team deciphers the scripts, many reasonable debates concentrate around the puzzling ancient Indus Civilization and give excellent and comprehensive evidence that greatly supports their…