Indus Valley Civilization Essay

Writing was developed for communication among the people of the civilization and possibly other countries. The development of writing was crucial in a civilized society because without it, there would be no communication between the people. It was also developed to keep records of important events and things. Some that have been found today, are used to study the past of the civilizations. With the development of writing, it has left a big impact for the people of the past, present, and future.
The Indus Valley civilization can best be described as urban because the civilization traded a lot among the different cities and countries around them. They traded things like metals, precious stones, timber, and other important things. They was also…

Although these rivers and floodplains made farming difficult for the civilizations at times, it gave Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley fertile soil for farming.
Scientists consider Africa to be the birthplace of civilization because civilizations emerged from this continent. But after more and more civilizations were developed, people began to move to different continents, and start a civilization.
Hammurabi’s Code is significant because of the insight it provided for the Mesopotamian society. The set of laws was based on the three social classes of Mesopotamia, because the three classes was extremely important to the people, and it kept the people organized. The punishments for if someone did not follow Hammurabi’s Code was also different, based on which social class a person belonged in.
Agriculture in Mesopotamia depended on farming, because it was the most well-known and popular thing to do. But, farming was difficult at times due to changing weather, unexpected floods, and only a small amount of available water for…

For example, because the people were not very secure in the geography of Mesopotamian society, they people had less rights and freedom to keep them safe, as opposed to a country that was safe and protected.
Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley or Harappan civilizations were more similar than they were different from one another because they all experienced some of the same things. They all experiences things like flood, which was bad for the crops at time, but also left the land with fertile soil. Also, each civilization had their own rules that accommodated to their people and civilization. Religion was also something each civilization has, whether it was a small part of big part of the peoples’ lives in their civilization.
Mesopotamian population had a smaller population than Egyptian population, because Mesopotamia was the first actual civilization. Egyptian population would have a larger population because they came later in the order of civilizations, so the population would have grown since the Mesopotamian population. As for diversity, Egypt’s population had more diversity in their…