Essay about The V-22 Osprey Case Study

1. Summary The V-22 Osprey is an aircraft that is currently used in the military. Its unique design of a tilt rotor system has proven to be useful in different mission in the military. However, the Congressional Research Service (2009) in their study has said that this helicopter has multiple aerodynamic issues. During the service of this aircraft demonstrated mechanical issues that affected the elements of aerodynamic flight and emergencies situations that caused the V-22 program in constant upgrades due unsafe conditions.

II. Problem The V-22 Osprey has several limitations due its performance. In comparison with every other helicopter in the military service, the Osprey has two significant problems. Lack of autorotation capabilities; According to Osprey Guidebook (2010) “The V-22 is a tiltrotor and does not rely on autorotation for a survivable power-out landing. The wide separation of the engines and the ability to drive both rotors with one engine make a power-out landing extremely unlikely”(pag. 26). The second problem is the limited combat maneuverability. Watson (2009) “The V-22 is susceptible in a combat environment to autorotation because of its design and because of its vulnerabilities. The conscious disregard of this substantial and unjustifiable risk qualifies as reckless behavior, in my opinion in the legal sense, on the part of these entities. The significant lack of maneuverability in turning and change in altitudes makes the V-22 susceptible to hostile fire while on approach to landing” (Discussion section, para.131)

III. Significance with the Problem During several tests performed on the V-22 Osprey has been proven that the aircraft has lack of autorotation capability that expressed a concern within the members in Congress and members in the military. The aircraft consists of tilt-rotor diagonal design that led to have a minimal chance to auto rotate into a safe landing in an event of dual engine shutdown. On the event of dual engine shutdown, the aircraft will crash land if flying in helicopter mode and it will not glide unless is in aircraft mode. Meyer (2003) “The V-22’s lack of an autorotation capability, or even a demonstrated all engine inoperative safe landing capability, remains cause for concern. V-22 fails to meet the ORD threshold requirement for a survivable emergency landing with all engines inoperative from a large portion of its operating envelope” (para. 6).

The V-22 combat maneuverability is limited in a hostile environment. Given its design on this aircraft, the ability to air combat maneuvers and aerobatics that could be useful in a hostile environment. Gillard (2006) argue, “The Osprey’s combat maneuvering capability as it enters its most vulnerable phase- descent into heavily defended landing zones. Unable to maneuver appropriately during rapid descent, it can be shot down all too easily, probably with the potential loss of all on board” (pag.3). Meyer, C. (2003) in their report they state, “The V-22’s NATOPS (operating manual) used by ALL pilots of the V-22 clearly states on Page -4-13, WARNING, “Air Combat Maneuvering and Aerobatics are PROHIBITED” (para.9).

IV. Development of Alternative Actions: a. Advantages: The V-22 Osprey tilt rotor design makes its difficult to accomplish an autorotation maneuver. Due its design, this aircraft can land with one engine if the other engine fails and thanks to its gliding capabilities, it allows to perform an emergency landing in an event of dual engine shutdown. The aircraft aerodynamic design has demonstrated to be successful in combat missions. Davis (2010)“It performed extremely well across the full range of assault support missions, including raids and heliborne assault, exceeding the capabilities of legacy helicopters in speed, agility, and survivability”(pag.13)

b. Disadvantages: The V 22 combat maneuverability in helicopter mode on a hostile environment makes it difficult for the flight crew and the members on the aircraft. Due its aerodynamic limitations on this aircraft makes it difficult to evade small fire and attacks when descending or taking off a combat zone. The lack of autorotation on the V 22 Osprey at low altitudes presents a concern since the aircraft cannot perform an autorotation maneuver. In an event of the aircraft of dual engine shutdown and the aircraft not being able to change to aircraft mode, it will crash land. According to Gertler (2009 “any complete power failure while in helicopter mode below 1600 feet above the ground will result in a catastrophic loss of the aircraft” (pag.4).

V. Recommendations: The V 22 Osprey has proven useful in the military environment and has been constant changes on this aircraft since it entered in service. The aircraft suffered some mishaps that cost some military members on several missions. The limitations on this aircraft in a hostile environment put a constant concern in the Department of Defense if made the right choice in selecting the V-22 or it was better to choose an aircraft that has similar characteristics like the S 92 or an upgrade to an existing model.