Explain Your Response: Breaking Away From My Family

Explain your response: I consider myself an adult in some ways because I am breaking away from my family; I live on my own. As a young adult, I have developed post-formal thinking; according to Perry, I have moved from the dualistic thought to relativistic thought. For example, I am an adult when arguing with my mother, and I just let her say anything she has to say instead of being egocentric. I understand arguing will not take us anywhere. I am in this predicament with my mother, and I no longer think about what is the right or wrong answer.

I am more understanding of her way of thinking or where she comes from thus balancing my emotions with reasoning like an adult. In some ways, I do not consider myself an adult because I have not fully taken the responsibilities of an adult. I still depend on my parents for financial support and advice so not quite yet fitting into the adult role. Part 2: Provide a 4 sentences explanation for how you do or do not fit each of Arnett’s 5 markers of Emerging Adulthood. (If you are not 18-29 think back to that time in your life. )

Your grade on this assignment will be based on your thoughtfulness and effort. . Emerging adulthood is a period of identity exploration. Course Definition: Explore what goals, beliefs, and values you identify with. Three specific examples: I fit this marker as I continue to figure out who I am and how I fit in K-State, the Manhattan community and in this world while developing friendships and relationships in college and my part-time job. For instance, I am currently pursuing my education to become an accountant, but I still explore the possibility of another career to consider contributing largely to my community.

Next, I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the community by mentoring and tutoring kids at the after-school daycare. I am looking forward to graduating from college and share my personal life with a special person to become a working mother as part of a dual-earner family thus balancing work and family. 2. Emerging adulthood is a period of instability. Course Definition: Lives is a state of change because of changing jobs, relationships or moving. Three specific examples: I fit this marker as my life is in a stage of change. For example, my life is changing now that I have moved into my own apartment and pay rent.

Consequently, my life is not stable because my income is not stable; thus, I am searching for a better paying job to find financial security. I have developed a few friendship relationships in college but I am not interested yet on a change of my intimacy or searching for a romantic relationship. 3. Emerging adulthood is a period of self-focus. Course Definition: Being responsible only for yourself. Three specific examples: I fit this marker as I am focused on myself because I am only responsible for myself and not anyone else since I have no kids. I am focused on myself, getting good grades and my future career as an accountant.

I listen to music daily and contact my brother often. Financially, I still depend a little on my parents. 4. Emerging adulthood is a period of feeling in-between. Course Definition: Consider yourself an adult in some ways yes; in some ways no. Three specific examples: I fit this marker like Arnett states I feel like I am adult “in some ways yes; in some ways no. ” For instance, I feel I am an adult because I live on my own, but at the same time I am still not self-sufficient or financially independent. Next, I am an adult because I follow a nutritional diet thus forging a healthy lifestyle.

But sometimes, I am not an adult when I cannot balance my emotions with reasoning as I am having a highly emotional conversation with my mother. 5. Emerging adulthood is a period of optimism and possibilities. Course Definition: The young adult experience many options and possibilities and still have a sense of optimism. Three specific examples: I fit this marker I have many options and responsibilities. For example, I choose to work part-time at a daycare, and sometimes kids place me in situations that I dislike, and like Kimmy Schmidt, I repeat to myself, “I am not really here,” to overcome the frustration with optimism.

Another option I have is to pursue a romantic relationship, but I prefer to wait and do not quickly get involved with anyone; I am hoping that by waiting I will meet the ideal person. Next because of the freedom of living on my own my beliefs, values and social rules are challenged in college. I have the option to binge drinking. Instead I associate myself with the right crowd with similar values placing myself on the road of success ignoring the possibility of finding myself binge drinking. 6. What advice would you give adolescents about emerging adulthood?

Make sure to include class material, theories, and concepts. Though our society and culture push the young adult to make decisions quickly, take your time and do not settle too early. As discussed by Erikson’s psychosocial development stages: identity, intimacy, and generativity, first explore and define your identity. But Freud suggests a healthy adult is one that can love and work. Erikson agrees, but to be able to develop relationships and to love and work you must continue to develop an identity because work is part of who you are.

In the meantime, attend college or develop a skill that can lead to a good career. Once financial security is established, you will be better prepared for the intimacy stage in which you engage in a romantic relationship. After establishing a relationship, you should be able to love, get married, have kids and work. Finally, at the generativity stage when you enter adulthood you may develop a concern about the commitment to the next generation. A way to contribute to the community may consist of you mentoring other young adults to establish a career to earn a living thus contributing to the next generation.