Gulliver’s Travels Essay

Gulliver’s Travels was written by Jonathan Swift and first published in 1726. Gulliver’s Travels is a satire about human nature, politics, and other topics such as 18th century European politics and society seen through the eyes of Gulliver. Gulliver goes on four adventures: Gulliver gets stranded on Lilliput, Gulliver is trapped on the floating island of Laputa, Gulliver meets the Houyhnhnms and Gulliver ends up in the land of the talking horses known as the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver learns many things but because people are often too ignorant to be able to know it they do not listen.

Gulliver’s Travels begins with Gulliver on a ship that is crossing the ocean while Gulliver sleeps below deck Gulliver gets washed overboard into the sea. Gulliver floats to an island known as Lilliput where all of his great height seems tiny compared to Lilliputians who are only six inches high. Gulliver finds himself tied up by the Lilliputians. Gulliver meets a man named Voban who Gulliver freed from prison and he tells Gulliver that he should become a royal favorite to the new emperor of Lilliput, a six year old boy named The Empress’s nephew.

Gulliver agrees and Gulliver becomes The Empress’s personal physician. Gulliver discovers many things about this new world such as how they have invented things such as wheelbarrows which were used instead of carrying things or pushing them because it was too difficult for them to carry large loads or push heavy loads; but Gulliver also discovers that he is much more intelligent than any other person in Lilliput and that Gulliver has Gulliver’s knowledge of the world Gulliver had come from Gulliver grows restless.

Gulliver breaks a promise Gulliver made to The Empress when Gulliver asked for some land, which The Empress only gives Gulliver small portions. Gulliver starts thinking about how he can escape Lilliput and in that moment Gulliver starts a war between Lilliput and Blefuscu by accident while Gulliver is being chased by people trying to kill him because they believe he really did break his promise to The Empress when in reality it was just an accident.

Gulliver’s Travels comprises four books—recounting Gulliver’s four voyages to fictional strange lands. Gulliver’s first two voyages are dire, but his third voyage brings him home to Lilliput, where he finds the tiny inhabitants are physically and intellectually Gulliver’s equal, though separated from his own British world by physical boundaries. At the end of the book, Gulliver discovers that he prefers the simple freedom of this seaboard life to his old place in society at home.

The novel was published in Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. Gulliver discovers the land of Lilliput after being shipwrecked on its coast; Gulliver subsequently finds himself a political pawn, with the Lilliputians all wanting him to move in one direction or another. Gulliver’s surgeon, Stephen Islands, attempts to protect Gulliver from these threats and dangers in Gulliver’s Travels, but Gulliver is again imprisoned after an attempted alliance with Gulliver’s wife against Gulli vert’s enemies.

Lilliput is inhabited by tiny people—six inches high—who are ruled by Gulliver’s countrymen back home in England, who are at least sixty times Gulliver’s height. Gulliver takes up with the Lilliputians almost immediately, his Gulli vert’s first act being to take over the Gulliver’s political government of Lilliput Gulliver’s Travels. Gulli verts’ efforts are hampered by an opposing faction led by Gulliver’s wife Gulliver’s Travels , who campaigns for her husband’s banishment.

The first book chronicles Gullivers’ travels to Lilliput, where he meets the Lilliputians and is brought before their emperor Safgil Gullivers Travels. At this juncture, The second book tells of Gulliver’s adventures among the Houyhnhnms Gulliver’s Travels, a society of horses Gulliver Travels who are rational, colorful creatures Gulliver’s Travels. Gulliver also meets Gulli vert’s daughter Glumdalclitch Gulliver’s Travels and becomes her friend.

The third book is set in Brobdingnag Gulliver s travel, where Gulliver puts ashore near the land of giants Giggalaar and finds himself at the mercy of their king and Giggalaar’s 72 giant daughters Giggalaar.

Gulliver, as well as his travels to different places, are included as the main character. Gulliver’s four separate journeys give readers an insight into what living in those times might have been like for other countries and cultures. Gulliver finds himself in several unusual situations because of where he has gone and needs to find a way back home.

“Gulliver’s Travels,” which became Swift’s most famous work, may have been inspired by Gulliver’s stay the court of William III, where he met the King’s chaplain, Dr. Samuel Madden. Gulliver’s Travels was a best-seller in its time due to Swift’s clever use of satirical allegories and sharp criticism of English society that was prevalent during that period, particularly with allusions and parallels to Gulliver’s home ( England ).

This book is an adventure story. Gulliver makes four trips, each landing him in a different place: Lilliput ( where Gulliver finds himself tied down because the people are only six inches tall ), Brobdingnag, Laputa ( or Balnibarbi ) ( Gulliver leaves this trip because he’s disgusted by the people ), and the land of the Houyhnhnms ( Gulliver spends much time here because he mostly interacts with horses ). Gulliver eventually makes his way back to England and in part two Gulliver talks about his travels, Gulliver’s encounters with different cultures and Gulliver becoming a better person.

The main idea is that Gulliver learns from these experiences. He becomes more tolerant, less self-centered, and thinks of what kind of world he wants to live in. Swift also had an interest in politics at this time. There are many countries Gulliver visits that resemble what was going on politically during this period – for example, the Lilliputians have a war of conquest, Gulliver is jailed for treason and escapes because he can’t do anything too strenuous while stuck in a box, Gulliver witnesses the horrors of war and thinks about what kind of world we live in, and Gulliver returns to England and tries to change it for the better.

Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels as an adult book. He used satire ( was sarcastic ) to point out problems with life during that time period. Gulliver’s story holds up well today because people like adventure stories where someone goes to another place, Gulliver’s encounters are interesting, Swift’s message is still relevant ( this means still has value ), Gulliver learns from his experiences, Gulliver’s encounters with different cultures can be thought about, Gulliver changes, Gulliver goes through many obstacles, Gulliver uses his intelligence to solve these problems, Gulliver finds a way back home.

Gulliver’s Travels has been read by children and adults alike because Gulliver is a relatable character, Gulliver’s story holds up well today, Gulliver’s encounters are interesting, Swift’s message is still relevant ( this means still has value ), Gulliver learns from his experiences, Gulliver’s encounters with different cultures can be thought about, Gulliver changes, Gulliver goes through many obstacles. The main idea behind “Gulliver Travels ” is Gulliver learning from these experiences, Gulliver becoming more tolerant, Gulliver thinking about what kind of world Gulliver wants to live in, Gulliver tells Gulliver’s story.

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