Hamlet Essay Conclusion

Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex characters. Some scholars have argued that Hamlet is a psychoanalytic case study, and that Shakespeare drew on his own personal experiences to create the character.

According to psychoanalysis, Hamlet is struggling with unresolved conflicts from childhood. He is haunted by the death of his father, and he feels guilty for his mother’s remarriage. Hamlet is also struggling with his own identity and his sense of self-worth. He is uncertain about who he is and what he wants in life.

These conflicts lead Hamlet to behave in erratic and unpredictable ways. He oscillates between periods of intense emotion and prolonged periods of silence and detachment. Hamlet also suffers from anxiety and depression, which leads him to contemplate suicide.

Hamlet’s psychoanalytic problems are not unique; they are common to many teenagers and young adults. Hamlet’s story serves as a reminder that we all must come to terms with our past in order to move forward into the future. Shakespeare’s play is a timeless exploration of the human condition.

The Hamlet riddle, which has haunted readers for centuries, is a phantom of literary debate. Since his debut on the literary scene, Hamlet has been a mystery to scholars. A puzzle that critics have attempted to solve since his introduction to the world of letters is Hamlet’s . The reader is constantly attempting to explain Hamlet’s inexplicable behavior throughout the narrative, especially through the play’s written text.

For example, Hamlet’s famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy is often interpreted as Hamlet contemplating suicide. However, if one looks deeper into the text, it becomes evident that Hamlet is actually questioning the existence of life after death (Shakespeare 2.2.258-264). It is only through a psychoanalytic lens that we can truly understand Hamlet and the motivations behind his words and actions.

Hamlet was most likely written in 1600 or 1601, during Shakespeare’s early career (Shakespeare 1.5.179). This was a time when England was experiencing great political turmoil; Queen Elizabeth I had been on the throne for almost fifty years and her death was imminent. It is speculated that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet as a political commentary on the unstable state of England at the time (Gainor np).

Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, had been killed by his uncle Claudius, who then took the throne and married Hamlet’s mother Gertrude. Claudius is a perfect example of the corrupt politician; he is able to deceive those around him and cover up his crimes. Hamlet is painfully aware of his uncle’s guilt and desires revenge, but he is also aware of the consequences that would follow should he take action.

Hamlet is an extremely complex character with many layers to his personality. On one hand, he is introspective and thoughtful; he is able to reflect on the human condition and question the meaning of life. Hamlet is also intelligent and articulate, able to express his thoughts and feelings in a way that is both poignant and insightful.

On the other hand, Hamlet is also impulsive and reactive; he often allows his emotions to get the best of him and makes decisions based on his immediate feelings rather than thinking things through. Hamlet is also plagued by self-doubt; he constantly questions his own motives and doubts his ability to carry out his plans.

Many people believe that Hamlet is fully conscious of his own reasons for behaving. This belief, in and of itself, creates the issue at hand. Consider Hamlet’s delay to kill the king. Hamlet thinks his intention to kill King Claudius is motivated by his fathers’ call for vengeance. If this were true, Hamlet would murder Claudius as soon as he has a chance, if not before he knows for certain that Claudius murdered his father.

Hamlet’s hesitation could be seen as an indication that Hamlet is not sure of his own motives. Hamlet may kill Claudius not out of a sense of revenge, but out of a desire for power or control. If Hamlet is in fact aware of his own motives, this would suggest that Hamlet is Machiavellian in his thinking. Hamlet would then be using others, including his mother and Ophelia, to achieve his own ends.

It is important to remember that Hamlet is a work of fiction and any psychological analysis of the characters within must be taken with a grain of salt. That being said, psychoanalyzing Hamlet can provide interesting insights into Shakespeare’s writing. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex characters and his motives are not always clear. Hamlet’s interactions with others, including Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia, and Polonius can be interpreted in a number of ways. Hamlet’s soliloquies also offer a glimpse into the workings of his mind.

When looking at Hamlet as a whole, it is difficult to determine what Shakespeare was trying to say. Hamlet has been interpreted in many different ways over the years. Some see Hamlet as a tragic hero, while others see him as a villain. It is even possible to see Hamlet as both a tragic hero and a villain.

If Hamlet’s need to kill the king is valid, then Claudius should be killed around Act 3. Because Hamlet’s actions do not match his stated motive, one must seek for a different reason for his conduct. As a result, you will come to the conclusion that Hamlet is compelled by motives other than what is immediately apparent to the reader as well as himself.

In order to support this argument, one must explore Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Freud believed that the unconscious was a repository for all the unacceptable thoughts, feelings and urges that the individual tries to repress. Hamlet is clearly trying to repress something, but what is it? Freud would say that Hamlet’s unconscious is motivating him to kill Claudius.

Hamlet’s father was killed by Claudius and Hamlet has been unable to come to terms with this. Hamlet wants revenge, but he is also afraid of death. The fear of death is what is motivating Hamlet to act out unconsciously. He wants to kill Claudius, but he is also scared of the consequences. This creates a conflict within Hamlet and leads to his erratic behavior.

Freud’s theory is not without its critics, but it provides a useful framework for understanding Hamlet’s behavior. Hamlet is clearly struggling with some major psychological issues and it is helpful to have a model that can help us make sense of them. While it is impossible to say for certain what is motivating Hamlet, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory provides a convincing explanation for Hamlet’s actions. Hamlet is not in control of his own behavior; rather, he is being driven by unconscious forces. This knowledge can help us appreciate the depth of Hamlet’s character and understand the complex motivations behind his actions.

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