Hardworking Mission Statement Essay

Tam hardworking, have good sense of humour, excellent computer skills, mathematical skills, great verbal and non-verbal skills, conscientious, patient, trustworthy, dependable, reliable, committed, has the fear of God, empathetic, caring, a determined person who get things done when needed, helpful, an excellent motivator, a teacher and the best mother in the whole wide world says, my children. I also have my weaknesses which are speaking in public and fear of what people will say. My mission statement is to be a good Christian, virtuous wife and mother.

Furthermore, to be hard working in everything I do so as to be a role model to my children and the children I teach both at the tuition centre and at church by watching over my words, action, thoughts, character and habits (WATCH). Goal: 1. To know God better. This is where my foundation lies because without HIM I am nothing. Results/Accomplishments: Spiritual growth 2. To train my children in the way of the Lord, charity and how to be successful in their career. Results/Accomplishments: Spiritual growth and successful in every area of their life.

3. To attain high grades in all my course work in UofPeople and be a role model both at home and in the society. Results/Accomplishments: I will begin to see the outcome of my input as times go on. I will be fulfilled and I will begin to see a good trait in my children and others that I teach. That is, they will be working hard to achieve a price. Action Steps What Will Be Done? Responsibilities Who Will Do It? Timeline By When? (Day/Month) Resources A. Resources Available B. Resources Needed (financial, human, political & other) Potential Barriers A.

What individuals or organizations might resist? B. How? Communications Plan Who is involved? What methods? How often? Step 1: Study the Word of God, Step 2: sing praises. Step 3: to attend fellowship My responsibility Daily communion with God Daily At least 3 times a week. A. There are so many resources available such as Bible, gospel music, messages, bible commentaries, Christian magazines B. I need to find time out of my busy scheduled time to study these materials to be able to be a better Christian. A. In this case, I am the only barrier to achieving this goal.

B. If I do not create time to study and be proactive I will never achieve. It involves me and my Creator the maker of the heaven and earth. The method I will use depend on how the spirit leads. It could be through reading HIS words or singing praises or praying. This will be constant. Step 1: To memorise 1 verse of the Bible daily. Step 2: study one unit or topic or module or paper of their reading materials Step 3: Score at least 80% on each paper or module or topic. The whole family is responsible. We all need to work together to put this action to practice.

Daily Daily Daily A. A lot of resources are there to help them for example Bible, Bible character DVDs, inspirational books, textbooks and stories of successful people especially those who through hard work and determination made it through to the top. B. We need human resources and financial resources to buy the materials needed. A. The barrier here is self. B. If we do not set SMART goals, that is specific, measurable, attainable, realisable and time bound and discipline ourselves in working towards achieving the set goals. The whole family are involved in the communications plan.

We need to write out the goals we want to achieve daily. For example writing to do list and accomplished list daily and sticking it to the fridge where every member of the family can see to allow us to know if we are meeting our set goals or not. Step 1: To read daily by creating a reading timetable and discipline myself to follow all instructions to the letter. Step 2. Being mindful of the way I behave that is WATCH and leading by example Step 3: Challenge and Motivate my children and others by encouraging them to do more for themselves and work harder especially those who lack self-confidence.

Tand the people I am modelling are responsible. Daily Daily and ongoing Daily and ongoing. A. The Bible, family and books. B. Human, financial and government resources (curriculum) are needed to meet these goals. A. An Individual might resist correction or punishment for not accomplishing. B. For example, a student who does not have self-confidence in him /herself can refuse to take to advice to work hard because he/she has hardened his/her mind that he/she can never do better. Daily or weekly communication, support and encouragement will motivate a student to work towards achieving a SMART goal.

We need to develop ourselves to be positive at all times irrespective of the circumstances around us. Students who meet set goals should be giving rewards and words of encouragement to motivate them and make them to wanting to achieve more next time. Evidence Of Success: How will you know that you are making progress? The result I am getting from my daily and weekly input, especially in this course, will make me know that I am making progress. What are your benchmarks? My benchmark is for my name to be among those names that will be published in the President’s list of achievements.

Evaluation Process: How will you determine that your goal has been reached? I will determine my goals have been reached by working towards completing my entire weekly task. The task result and comment given by my peers will help me to also determine if my goal has been reached. What are your measures? I will measure my goals by my successes or achievement. For example, if my weekly input is yielding good result I will know I am working towards achieving my goal and if not I will like to learn from my mistakes and re-strategise so as to be able to succeed.