Islam Dbq Analysis Research Paper

The Muslims and Islam, to build their own culture, used other countries as examples such as Rome, India, and Greece, as well as the countries that they conquered. They used these examples and the different teachings of these countries to advance them to the highest level that they had ever been. The documents show different views and help explain what the achievements are, how they came to be, and also their lasting impact on the rest of the world. The first set of documents talk about what the achievements are and the way that they helped to better the Muslims in Islam.

The second group of documents give evidence and explain how the Muslims accomplished these achievements and what they improved on from other countries to make theirs the best in the world. The last section of documents tells how these advances and achievements of the Islamic people helped the rest of the world. Through looking at all of these documents, it would be beneficial to have the opinion of a common person that lived during those times. This would help give a better explanation of how these achievements impacted the world and how they helped Muslims living in Islam at the time.

In the first set of documents, the different achievements and advancements made by Islam and the Muslim people is talked about by various architects, mathematicians, and physicians. Document 2 talks about the Islamic capital of Cordova and how it was once labeled as the “jewel of the world”. Cordova had numerous libraries, bookstores, and public schools. As well as having great educational institutions, the people who lived in the city were very wealthy and had various luxuries that others in the world were not fortunate enough to have.

This document shows that the people of Islam benefited greatly from the achievements and advances that their people had made. The fourth document tells of the math advancements that Al-Khwarizmi, a Muslim mathematician, made. This is an early form of what we today would call algebra, it was written in a textbook and was later translated so that other countries could use it. Document 5 is two figures that the Islamic people used is geography and mapmaking. They used the two objects to view the sky and to figure out how to draw their maps and to make calculations for travel.

These two figures are evidence of the advancements made by Islam because they help to prove they were able to change and better the tools of other countries to help their people and to help make try and make their culture one of the bests in the world. The ninth document explains the trade network that was established by Muslim merchants throughout the Sahara Desert and into West Africa. This advancement was huge because Islam was already in control of travel, over land and seas, so these routes allowed people to travel back and forth easier with paths that were established and that people were able to follow to move all around the earth.

All of these documents present evidence of the achievements made by the Muslim people of Islam. The second section of documents all explain and tell how the achievements came about and how the advancements were made by the Muslims. Document 1 tells and explains how the Muslims preserved the knowledge and how they told people about all the achievements of Islam. People were eager to learn about all of these things because they relied on them for everyday use, they used the geography and science for travel, they used medical information to treat illnesses, and they used the math to calculate various things that were needed.

All of these texts that explained how to do all of these things were translated into many different languages so that the people could use them and understand what they meant so that they could tell other people about all of what they had learned and how it could help people in their lives. Document 7 is a photo of a building which shows the architecture of the time, Islam made significant advances to other cultures architecture to make their own the best that there was at the time.

The Muslims used examples from many different countries, such as the Byzantine empire, and added their own new features to improve the buildings and then later on people from other countries used Islam’s architecture as a starting point to improve and make their culture’s buildings and architecture the best in the world. Both of these documents give examples of how different achievements in Islam came to be and how the people built off of other countries to help themselves have the best things in the world and to better the people in their culture’s lives.

The last group of documents talk about how these Islamic achievements and advancements have impacted the rest of the world. Document 3 talks about a medical book that was written and then was translated to other languages so that other countries could read the book and uses the information that was contained inside of it. The sixth document is a photo that is an example of the Islamic art of calligraphy. Calligraphy greatly impacted not only Islam’s but all of the western world’s art.

Document 8 talks about the Quran and how it impacted other people. It greatly impacted the Sufi poets. In the tenth document it tells about the benefits that Europeans received from the achievements and advances made by Muslims. All of these documents show that the achievements of Islam have greatly impacted the world in positive ways. After seeing all these documents it is clear that the achievements made by Muslims in Islam definitely had a huge impact on not only their culture and country but also on other countries in the western world.

The documents gave great evidence of the achievements made, how they were made, and the impact that they made on the world. The only point of view missing from the documents given is the opinion of a common Muslim person living at the the time and their views on how they feel that the achievements and advances impacted Islam. With this opinion we could have a better overall view of how times were back then and the impact of Islamic achievements and advances.