Journey Of Man, A Geneticist-Spencer Wells: Film Analysis Essay

Weve gone far on the planet, we have traveled to places for survival, hunting & using our knowledge to get us where we are. We are one of the most advanced and smartest of mammals. We are… humans. We started out in the place youd least expect and by doing so, we depended on whatever the earth gave us. With that, our beliefs formed, and we worshipped what we thought had life. We stayed together in tight groups, protecting one another… until we spread. Within the separation, we meet new dangers and obstacles such as harsh weather, new edible specimens of food, and we even came up with new ideas. For the past 50,000 years human society has changed our location, thoughts, and inventions. And through this weve managed to stay alive.
Mountains, lakes hills, plains, these are all examples of physical & environmental systems on earth; characteristics of physical geography. In the film, Journey of Man, a geneticist- Spencer Wells- takes a trip to places where the first humans were thought to live in; but following a DNA map, he traveled to the places they spread to. According to Wells, humans started out in…

But spreading to other places across the globe caused physical and mental changes. Physically, we changed because we needed to adapt. Those who moved to cooler areas shrunk down a few sizes to preserve body heat; in tropical areas, they got taller and broader to release body heat and move quickly in case of danger. We developed new skin tones along with that & even appearances started to distinguish us. When I say mental changes, I meant that now that we were living in a different environment, our inventions had to work with the new place & the demand. Our beliefs changed as well, at one point we couldve been “All hail mighty father tree! “ while the next we are dirty lovers. These beliefs developed into religions that light up faith and hope in…