Personal Narrative: My Journey To Miami Essay

One of the oldest questions in philosophy is whether humans have free will. When I look in retrospective, my journey to Miami makes me wonder is everything predetermined. Ever since I was a kid, I had vivid dreams about a sunny beach, soft golden sand, palm’s waterfall, and beautiful girl who will love me unconditionally.
The tale started on one gray and rainy May day in my hometown. My original plan to move to Moscow fell apart because Russian government didn’t issue permits to a company I was supposed to work for. Hidden in the room, I felt depression and pity for my unlucky fate. Next moment, my aunt Maria, a bank manager which had an obsession with traveling, entered the room saying ‘’ you are going to the United States; I played the green card lottery, and you won.” Immediately my body went into a state of shock; I only stammered “impossible”. Fast forward a few months, Lufthansa’s Airbus A380 was getting…

Our blind date was late for 45 minutes; I started to get angry and annoyed, so I said ‘’ I knew it; this is why I hate online dating. I am leaving this stupidity.” In the same instant, she walked in, and the time stopped. It was the girl of my dreams, with big hazel eyes piercing through my soul. With her glowing skin, modest elegance and discrete makeup, she had style and glamour of classic Hollywood beauty. Simple five word ‘’ Hi, my name is Johana” made me feel as I know her for decades. In contradiction, Sergio and her sister Andrea left us almost immediately, as they didn’t have any mutual connection. The hours slipped by like seconds; we kept talking about countless subjects, oblivious of our surroundings; it turned out that we are like long lost twins reunited again. As we liked the same book (“The Forth Agreement”), food, sports, and even held the identical views on morality and…