Maria In Twelfth Night Essay

It takes one to know one. Maria and I are similar in many ways. Maria would not dream of betraying Olivia and knows her intimately. Maria is strong-willed and does what she thinks needs to be done. I contain the same determination and resolve that Maria does. I am loyal to my friends in the same way as Maria, and I value the lives of my friends over my own. Maria has an inherent belief in the aristocracy surrounding her. Comparable to Maria’s belief in the authority figures of her time, I believe in the authority figures around me.

The character in William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night that I identify with most is Maria, who is loyal and obeys authority, but is still able to enjoy herself; I share all of these qualities with Maria. Maria’s loyalty to Countess Olivia is demonstrated many times throughout Twelfth Night, and I demonstrate my loyalty to my family and friends every day. Maria, eager to do Olivia’s will, often reprimands Sir Toby Belch. Maria: “By my troth, Sir Toby, you must come in earlier o’ nights: your cousin, my lady, takes great exceptions to your ill hours. Sir Toby: “Why, let her except, before excepted. ”

Maria: “Ay, but you must confine yourself within the modest limits of order” (Act | Scene III). Sir Toby is a drunkard and a hooligan. He does not respect the rules of polite society and repeatedly makes a fool out of himself, embarrassing Olivia. Olivia is mourning and wants no member of her household to become entrapped in foolishness. While I am not expected to control inebriated men, things exist that I am expected to do. My parents expect me to complete all of my homework and maintain decent grades.

My friends expect me to support them in their ventures, to care about their wellbeing, and to continue being a part of their lives. Just as Maria would not abandon Olivia, I would never abandon my friends or family. Maria follows the instruction of multiple prominent figures in her life; equivalently, I do as a variety of people tell me to. Maria would not have sent a false love letter to Malvolio had Sir Toby and Sir Andrew not expressed such strong encouragement. Sir Toby: “Possess us, possess us; tell us something of him. ” Maria: “Marry, sir, sometimes he is a kind of puritan.

Sir Andrew: “O, if I thought that, I ‘Id beat him like a dog! ” (Act || Scene III). Sir Andrew told Maria that he would beat Malvolio with the only reason Malvolio’s demeanor. What the three of them conspire does not turn out to be physical abuse, but is cruel nonetheless. I have never played a practical joke even near as foul as this. I have, however, been made to do things that | did not want to do and things that I do not think were right and prey on my conscience. In elementary school, I was a bully. I felt that my friends only appreciated me because of how I acted.

This turned out not to be true, but the influence of my friends shaped my actions into regrettable transgressions. However strictly we adhere to what we believe the rules to be, Maria and I both are able to let go and enjoy ourselves as well. Maria is well-suited to play the practical joke on Malvolio, and this joke much enamours Sir Toby towards Maria. Sir Toby: “|| could marry this wench for this device,–” Sir Andrew: “So could I too. Sir Toby: “And ask no other dowry with her but such another jest” (Act II Scene IV). Sir Toby means to say that he would marry Maria even if all she brought to the marriage was another joke to play.

He would not care that he was marrying down, due to how enticing Maria’s joking is to him. It appears that Sir Toby has harbored romantic feelings towards Maria throughout the play, even if he did not comment on them until this point. Maria is enjoying her time conspiring with Sir Toby and Sir Andrew and the distraction it provides from Olivia’s mourning. When I am around my friends, as when Maria is around these men, my tongue is liberated and I feel free to speak and act as I please. Recently, a large group of friends and I went to Chuck E. Cheese’s, played games, ate pizza, and won tickets.

We felt childish and enthusiastic. Maria and I can step away from societal norms and enjoy ourselves from time to time. Maria and I have many qualities in common. We tend to follow the rules and to encourage others to do so as well. We are loyal and think the wellbeing of others to be the utmost priority. While we dislike deviating from what is expected of us, Maria and I are perfectly capable of enjoying ourselves. Maria enjoyed herself by planning a practical joke for Malvolio. I enjoy myself when I am with my friends. Maria and I are kindred spirits, sharing many ideas and disciplines.