Nature Vs. Nurture Debate Essay

Nature vs Nurture is one of many debate methods that we have used. These debates are one of the longest debates in history. Nature vs nurtures can be discussed with personality, intelligence, and homosexuality, also can go with life problems today and how they could be used in the future. Nature means that you use your genetic features like hair color, eye color, and nose shape, or anything genetically to determine how you debate over an argument.

Nurture which is most commonly defined as an environment and experience opinionated based means you argue or agree over your lifetime experiences and the environment. People today use Nature vs Nurture by arguing to how a person develops. “On the nurture side, they would argue that the main contribution to how a person develops is made by the influence of the people and events that interact with that person throughout their life” stated www. explorable. com. On the other hand nature might say that a person develops by them we genetically the same as their father or mother.

Now that we have talked about what nature vs nurture means we can see how it deals with everyday debates. Intelligence on both nurture and nature sides of the debate is different. On the nature side if you had a child, you would say she learned at a younger age, but the parents or some other people would say she was born smart. On the other hand, if your kid was really smart at a young age and you were on the nurture side you would say, “she worked really hard and studied a lot. ” The next topic is Personality.

For nature your kid’s personality could be shyness or even aggression and the parents in this case would say “my kid got my kind personality. ” For nurture it is way different Instead of say the kid has their kind of personality they would say something more like they are shy because people make fun of her/him. The third and final one is homosexuality. Nature can deal with this by thinking that homosexuality is a choice but in a nature part it is a biological factor or being responsible for the development of the individual.

Nurture on the other hand means that individuals feel that environmental factors are the cause of one’s homosexuality. People who use nature vs nurture today are everyday humans, even in Spain they use these methods to a debate. They can use it at school even when you are in a conversation, even at work. At any place almost everyday you have and you will be using nurture or nature arguments. Today every kid, teens, and adults could use these methods to start or state an argument. Doesn’t matter who, but could be different opinions.

What makes people use this is not a scientific reason they simply just base their arguments on the nature side or nurture side. How nature affects mental health is very different, nature or genetics has been proven an important factor of mental health as www. goodtheropy. com stated in their article about nature vs nurture and how it affects mental health. Some mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and major depression or even sometimes bipolar, for example, is four to six times more likely to develop when there is a family history of the condition.

Another way nature can affect mental health is on nature than more on the nurture is addictions. Studies show that alcohol addiction can make a nature person want alcohol by the way alcohol taste and affects the body could have something to do with genes or even with family. The nurture side deals with mental health if they have a mental illness, they will think they got that illness that was spread from the environment. Nurture doesn’t have influence of just every day to day people but some of the most world re-round scientist.

James Fallon studied the psychopath’s brain and grew up in a nurturing and loving environment helped him to become a successful adult and may have been effective at preventing him from fully developing traits of psychopathy. Not only can nurture deal with mental health but mental health can also take a part in bullying, abuse, and or even trauma. Twins are another big thing in nature vs nurture. As we all know studies show that twins have a lot to do with genetics. With this genetics do play a significant role in the development of certain personality characteristics, sexual orientation, and religiosity.

One study showed that environment had a slight effect on personality when the twins were raised together, though it did not have an effect when they were raised apart. Growth and fixed mindset are a big influence in schools today, teaching kids that growth mindset is good and fixed mindset is not ideal for a kid in school to use. The school wants to teach teens and kids about how to say more positive things verses saying things like “I suck at math,” or “I can’t do this it’s too hard”. This is being taught around the world today to make kids more confident in their work.

What is growth and fixed mindset you might ask, well a growth mindset example is when you are saying to yourself, I can do this or you are thinking positively. Fixed mindset is when you say you can’t do this. Growth and fixed mindset can deal with nature vs nurture quite often. A child with a growth mindset may say something like, “I can do sports because my parents were amazing at sports”. Some could agree and some would disagree with the comment. Meanwhile a child thinking with a fixed mindset might say something totally different and negative like,” I can’t do sports because my siblings never did”.

When nature kids, teens, or adults say something kids, teens, or adults comment in their head something different. Growth mindset could make a teen or kids say something like, “I can get a goal if I play hard”. Which that is the total opposite of what a fixed mindset teen would say. They would most likely say,” I can’t get a goal because their goaly is too good”. These are just some of the things that a fixed mindset or what growth mindset would say on either side. You may be asking yourself, which is used more? Unfortunately, we will never know.

But I believe in the case of mental health, intelligance, homoexuality, personalitiy, and with growth and fixed mindset that nurture is more believable and easier do agree with verses nature. If I was to argue with someone about this topic, and i’m in favor of the nurture side and the other young adult is on the nature reasoning side. We would disagree with the following comment” you can be funny not because of your DNA, but because of your intelligence and personality”. The other person argues and says that “you can only be funny because of your DNA or by your parents”.

My opinion is based on nature because it doesn’t matter who your parent are it matters who you are and what you are capable to do by yourself. It can confusing, but i’m sure you are understanding of how nature vs nurture is and what they are focused towards like intelligence, personality, and homosexuality. The growth and fixed mindset is is a big part of this decision as well. This topic is one of the longest debates ever in history and has been deduced and argued many times. I hope you have found what side of the debate you are on and in future debates keep looking out.