Personal Narrative: My Father Who Changed My Life Essay

Running, I was running as fast as I could. I was trying to catch up with father. It was easy, because I was used to running. That was all my father and I ever did. It seemed like every time we finally found I hide out we ran. My father was an outlaw, and I was his child. Everyone was hunting him, because of all the terrible things he did. I didn’t know exactly what he did. He would never tell me. Everyone hated him, even my mother. My mother used to call us terrible names. He was a no-good stupid son of a bitch, and I.. I was the devil’s child. She swore that the devil cursed her with me.

I never understood that. I had her green eyes, lips, and the same brown hair. I had my dad’s tan skin tone, and awesome ability to fix EVERYTHING. It’s to bad I couldn’t fix any of this. My mother died when I was four. I watched her death. Two of the men my dad worked with broke into our home while our dad was away. Apparently my mom finally broke off the affair with the tall one. He did not like that at all. They broke in a raped me, and then tied me in a corner. They made it wear my face was stuck looking forward. I watched as she was rapped, killed, and then cut up to tiny pieces. Four. I was only four.

I never told my father exactly what happened, or the fact that it was his two best friends. I was to worried, to afraid. “tell your father, and I swear on Satan his self I will come back. You think what you saw tonight was terrible, you think it was the worst. Well sweetheart I got news for you. You are so wrong. ” He said that night. Before he walked through the doors; he blew a kiss, winked, and then left. This time our plan was to hop a train, and go to Texas. We were in a small town called, “sty xx”. I loved it there. They believed in the gods, for example, Apolloymi, goddess of destruction.

You might think this town was silly, and didn’t know a thing. You may thing these gods are not real. Well, you are wrong. They are very real. My father “accidentally” broke the heart of a certain goddess. That goddess was Apolloymi. Lucky, she was not after me. She didn’t even know I existed. Who would tell a women you are still traveling with your twenty four year old daughter. “Hi I am Ash. I will live with my daughter. | mean we don’t leave together. We don’t own a house. ” Yea, thats something to say before you fuck the shit out of a women. Just doesn’t go to well.

Even tho she wanted my father only I still ran with him. Twenty four years, and never have I left his side. ” Chapter 1 Today is my birthday, and anniversary of my mom’s death. It has been a little more than four years since we arrived at Texas. My father decided it was safe to go out. Today, he was going to take somewhere for my birthday. He gave me some money, and told me to run to the store for new clothes. I never asked where he got the money. I knew it was not from doing something good. Tarrived at a nearby market. There was clothes everywhere. A certain one caught my eye.

It was a beautiful dark blue. The top was was lighter than the bottom, and it came with a shiny pearl necklace. I went up to market, and attempted to buy the dress. Sadly, I did not have enough. I tried arguing with the guy to lower the price, but it just was not going to happen. Suddenly, a chill went down my spine. It felt like someone was watching me. I tried not to show signs of worry. “Never show your emotions. Keep them hidden. ” My father told me when I was ten. A stranger appeared at my side, and offered to pay. Another thing my father told me was take money from anyone who offers.

I never liked that advice. I had a list of all the people I am suppose to pay back. Some from years ago, and some from just the other day. I accepted his offer, and left. Half way back home I felt the same strange presence. I looked around, but saw no one. I finally arrived home. I opened the door to see my fathers body spread out across the floor, and his head missing. I looked up to see his head above the fire place. It was stuck to the wall by a burning arrow. I turn around, and find the strange man at the market. I look at him confused. I feel a pain in the back of my head, and then black out.

I woke up in a dark room. I could not see a thing. I tried to walk, but got stuck. There was a chain around my right ankle. I started to panic, but then stopped. “Showing an emotion is also showing a sign of weakness. ” My father would tell me. I decided to lean against the nearest wall and feel my way out. I probably moved about three feet before I heard someone talking. It sounded like a womens voice. It was muffled by the walls. I couldn’t here what was being said. As she got closer, her voice got louder. I quickly walked back to by originally spot. I sat down waiting for someone to come inside.

No one ever did. The lights finally cut on about thirty minutes louder. The womens voice filled the room, but she was no where to be seen. “Who are you,” She asked, “Why were you traveling with that man? ” “| have traveled with him all my life,” I replied. “What is your relationship with him. ” “I love him, and he is my. ” She cut me off. That seemed to make her mad. She let out a small scream, and busted into the room. She ran to me, and I jumped back. “I am the goddess of destruction. ” She screamed, “Do you know what | can do to you? ” She manifested a knife into her hands.

She went to stab me, but I blocked it. “I will kill you just like I killed your precious boyfriend. ” She said while swinging the knife. “I have never had a boyfriend,” I tried to say while avoiding the knife. “Oh so you just fuck him,” she said, her voice more angry than before, “You whore! ” “What the fuck, you are crazy,” I laughed at her, “He is my father. ” She stopped swinging. Her face twisted in confusion. The knife disappeared, and she was now left with no weapon. She slowly walked towards me. I didn’t know where to move, and so I didn’t move. She bent down unchained my ankle, and stepped back.

I could go home, but I didn’t have a home anymore. My father was gone… I don’t know where I am going to go know. As I was walking a man stopped me. He looked familiar. He was the one from the market. The women stood on her toes, and whispered something into his ear, and then she disappeared. “Come with me,” He said solemnly. “No one tells me what to do,” I replied, “Who the hell do you think you are? ” After about ten minutes of listening to me, he picked me up. I was tossed over his shoulder so I couldn’t hit his face. Chapter 2 Tarrived at the house my master told me to go to.

It was a small little place. I probably would not even classify as a house. I looked through a window, and found a man. He was tall, and a little scrawny. His hair was brown, and his skin tone was similar to that girl I saw today. They’re probably siblings, I thought to myself. I went to the back, hoping there was a way in. There was no back door in this “house”. This made everything so much easier. I could just walk in, stab him, and get out. I went in, and carefully snook my way into the parlor. I thought I was being stealthy, but I was wrong. We started fighting, but it wasn’t a fair fight.

My weapon was a machete, and his was a bow&arrow. My machete helped me block most of the arrows. So, I decided to do this until he ran out. He only had a few to begin with anyways. He was down to his last arrow, and I was feeling super lucky. He shot the arrow straight at my chest. Before I realized what was going on the arrow went deep into my chest. My anger rose, and all I wanted was blood. I think that is why my master loved me. When It comes to my anger I can not hold it back. Even if it was little things that set me off. I was just like her in many ways.

Sometimes I believe we are secretly siblings, and she wont admit it. I jumped forward ready to fight. By the look on his face I think he knew he was done for. I stabbed his heart, and he fell to the floor. I decided to have a little fun with him. I lied his body sprawled out on the floor. Then I took my machete, and chopped his head off. This was a little sad. A outlaw who didn’t even know how to defend himself. Finally, took his head, and pinned it to the wall with his own weapon. | sat there for a little bit, and then decided to look around. Probably find a gift for Apolloymi.