Persuasive Essay On Waking Up

You get pushed down the path; shoved, kicked, and punched to get to an unknown destination. You look back at your family but they’re at the bottom of the high incline, they leave you to fend for yourself. You feel every blow as you board a strange abandoned looking rollercoaster, you board and suddenly a blind fold covers your eyes and your off before you can get buckled down.
You go fast and can’t slow down the rapid travelling cart as you fly up and down, hitting your head and body on each turn of the never ending track. Your family standing below tries to catch everything you drop and tries to fix it for you but they don’t feel the blows, they don’t know the stress of the unknown. You search frantically for an off switch, but it is nowhere…

But then you get hit by a bird or something else happens and all the sudden youre crashing down again. There are benefits but they don’t last very long. But the support on the ground will always help, if they can keep up. Some of your friends can’t keep up with you as you shoot from spot to spot, and its hard to make them want to stay because your body is fighting within itself which is exhausting in itself. But even so, you’re always proud of the fact that you’re riding this ride as well as participating in real life. But that doesn’t make the stupid people from the sidelines keep there comments and questions to themselves, you will always hear questions like; “Why are you riding that?”, “At least your not on that track over there.”, “How did you get there?”, or “Can’t you just get down?”. Sometimes you try to answer calmly and explain how you understand the situation thus far. But sometimes its hard not to be upset by the ignorant and annoyingness of your fellow people as you wish that you could trade places with them on the ground, even it was just for a day. There is just too much to fear up here, too much going on, too much…