Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cell Phones In School Research Paper

With all of the changes in technology over the last five years the human race would be lost. Humans use cell-phones for almost everything. Without cell-phones communication would be gone. Cell-phones help provide a means of communication. Cell-phones can provide students with new ways of learning. Cell-phones can provide an easier way for research. Cell-phones are very convenient for the human race. Cell phones expand the ways people look at the world. There is a lot of debating whether or not cell-phones should be allowed in school, there are many negative opinions about this topic but there are also many positive opinions about this topic.

Cell-phones should be allowed in school. Cell-phones help students communicate with other students. Cell-phones have helped many people communicate in times of need. If a student needs help on their homework they could just text their friend and have them explain the question. A student could use their phones to communicate with a school official if they get lost while on a field trip. If a family emergency occurs, the student would be able to be reached by their parents even when they are at school.

In a 2015 article by Crystal Lombardo it states, “The number one reason for a child to carry a cell-phone is instant communication. Instant communication can provide an easy way for parents to share emergency information with their children. This can also help the children have contact with their parents about after school games, practices, club meetings, or fundraisers. Cell-phones are very important to a parent in knowing if their child is safe or not. Cell-phones have the potential to provide new opportunities of learning. Cell-phones have helped students with their assignments in many ways. Cell-phones have provided a means of using an online classroom. With their online classroom, they can do their assignments.

Their assignments could be done so much easier and quicker. In an article written by Crystal Lombardo it states, “ If a student is waiting for help on their assignment, the student could review that lecture using their cell-phones” (2015). Students could go to Youtube and watch videos about the lesson or chapter they are on. Some schools have a Bring Your Own Device program. This program helps teachers integrate cell-phones into the school. Allowing students to use cell-phones in school can teach responsibility. Students being allowed to use cell-phones in a classroom setting could teach them responsibility.

Allowing students to have some leeway with their cell-phones could teach them that they could use their phones to research their papers. Most students know not to play games on their cell-phones, but allowing them in classroom settings could teach them. Students could learn to use their cell-phones to download an app that is about their project or paper. In a 2014 article titled “7 reasons why students should be allowed to use cell phones in school” it states, “Teachers could combat cheating by making students use “airplane mode” or any mode that will not allow them to send/receive any messages or use the internet while there is a test.

“Airplane mode” would stop any incoming calls or texts, it would even stop the internet from working. Students would not be able to look up answers or give answers to other students. If there is a test the students could leave their phones in the front of the classroom until everyone is done testing. Allowing students to use cell-phones in class could avoid having double standards. Teachers using cell-phones in class but students not being able to use their cell-phones in class can cause double standards. Some teachers use their phones to take notes or even look something up.

Teachers do not have the same consequences that a student has. Some teachers even text in class, whereas, if a student texted in class their phone use would be revoked. As said in a 2014 article on kwikboost. com, “Administrators often take notes on their phones as part of teacher observations. ” The very people that make the rules about cell-phone use in schools are allowed to use their cell-phones. Students should be able to have the same rights as teachers when it comes to cell-phones. Cell-phones are just as useful as a laptop. Students could use their cell-phones as reminders.

Cell-phones being allowed in school settings could provide the students of ways to remind themselves of certain homework assignments. Students take several classes a day, they are each very different. Each class has very different assignments for the students. The students could use their calendar, or even their alarm, to remind themselves of their homework assignments. In an article written be Karehka Ramey it states, “So it is very important for these students to use cell-phones as reminding gadgets,” (2012). There are many apps that can be used as reminders. An example would be, Remind101. com.

This can help students remember when to submit homework assignments, when certain tests are, or even when their teachers will be absent. There are multiple benefits that come from cell-phones being allowed in schools. Cell-phones being allowed in school can provide many benefits for the students. Cell-phones cameras could be very useful. A student could be in a media resources class, also known as Yearbook, and need to take a picture of something. There are many moments when students are laughing and it is a picture perfect moment but students can not take the picture due to cell-phone restrictions.

Cell-phones are very useful when it comes to emergency communication, research, or even taking pictures. Cell-phones are all-together needed in a classroom setting. Cell-phones are a very useful tool. Cell-phones can be used as educational devices, whether the student is at home or in the classroom. Whether a person is in a classroom or at home cell-phones can provide education. Cell-phones could even provide a way for the teachers to send out mass texts about an assignment to their students or even the parents of the students. Being able to have cell-phones could pave the way for future students.

Students could use Twitter to keep in touch with other students about their grades or assignments. With that being said, in an article titled “Using smartphones in the classroom” written by Edward Graham , “A great app for keeping students on top of their work is Remind101, where students voluntarily sign up to receive a text reminder when they have an upcoming assignment due. Not only does it help students better organize their assignments, but it’s also engaging parents. Halla says many parents sign up for the app to keep track of their children’s homework” (n. d. There are even websites to help students study for tests. There are online flashcards and practice tests. Cell-phones are a very useful tool when it comes to education. Cell-phones are a very educational source for high-school and college students. Schools are becoming more open to the idea of cellphones in school.

Teachers and school administrators believe that if cell phones are allowed in school it will block the learning experience. Cell phones are carried to school by most of the average junior high and high school students. Many schools are beginning to open up to the idea of cellphones in school. Teachers are now using applications on smartphones that allow students to work on collaborative projects, like Edmodo, poll their students with programs like Poll Everywhere, or collect, share and disseminate materials and photos with Dropbox. There are apps for reminders and social science and history resources. In Prince George’s County, high-school teachers are incorporating Socrative 2. 0, which allows teachers to gauge student response in real time with activities, games and quizzes related to class material- all through phones” (Vlahos, 2014).

A majority of teachers are for cellphone use in school. Allowing cellphone use in schools could help the students stay awake in class. Cell Phones are very useful when it comes to learning. Allowing cellphones in school could provide a quieter learning environment. Cell phones help draw the students in, learning on cellphones would get more of the students’ attention. The students would be more interested in learning if they got to use their cellphones. The teachers could have the students bring earbuds to listen to music.

The students would listen to their favorite music and get their class work done much faster. “It’s amazing, the noise level goes down, and the work amount goes up when you let them listen to their music”(Graham, n. d. ). When the students need to look at the front of the classroom, all the teacher has to do is have them set their phones down and take out their headphones. Students being able to use their cellphones as a learning device would make them more eager to learn. Cell Phones are very intriguing to most high-schoolers and college goers.

TYPE HERE There are a few ways that allowing high-school students to have cellphones in school could cause things to go very wrong. Students should not be able to use their phones in school because they could learn to communicate, person to person. Student cell phone use could affect the students that cannot afford cell phones. Cell phones can be used to research answers on a test. Cell phones can be used to cheat by taking pictures of tests or study guides. Cell phones are very inconvenient when it comes to test taking or “See What You Know” tests.

Cell phone use could provide as a distraction to some students. Cell-phone use could help provide ways for students to cyberbully. “As if cyberbullying isn’t enough to worry responsible adults the combination of social media and raging hormones has increased the ease of sexting, being sexually explicit via social media with word and photos” (Lombardo, 2015). Cell phone use in schools is a way of asking for trouble from the beginning. Cell phones in school increases the chance for students to search something on the internet that they should not.

Cell phones can cause a lot of issues inside and outside school. Many schools want to ban cell phone cameras from the classrooms. Cell phone cameras can cause many issues in a school environment. Certain content that is captured in a picture can be incriminating or life-threatening. Many students use the camera option on their cell phones to take embarrassing pictures of each other. If the teachers try to restrict what pictures their students can take it can bring up an argument that leads to “Free Speech”. “Legal experts argue that teachers have a limited expectation of privacy in the classroom.

They say that attempts to regulate what students can film or record can provoke free speech challenges. In some cases, students have used recording devices to capture teachers behaving inappropriately. A Connecticut high school math teacher was suspended in 2006 after a cellphone video that appeared on the internet showed him hurling a homophobic slur at a student” (Ramirez, 2009). Teachers do not want to be caught doing something that they should not be caught doing. The students want to be able to catch the teachers on camera to have proof that they are not doing very great.

Teachers are against the idea of cameras being in the classroom. Cell phones can be used to cheat on tests or even homework. More than half of the students that are going to school use their cellphones to cheat during a test. Most students have the information that they need stored somewhere inside of their cellular device. Cellular devices have made cheating on a test much easier. Some schools that are against cell phones in school are going about things the correct way. Some schools are fighting back against the idea of cellphones in school.

In a 2009 article by Zach Miners it states, “But even as teens advance their electronic cheating strategies, educators are beginning to fight back with their own anticheating technologies, such as text-matching software, biometric equipment, virtual students, and cheatproof tests, experts say”. With the lack of communication a lot of people do not see cheating as the wrong thing to do. Cheating is becoming more and more common in the twenty-first century. Cell phones in school can cause a horrendous increase in cheating on tests.

Cellphones can be a huge distraction for everyone in the classroom. All of the different noises the cell phone can make can cause the students to not pay very much attention to the surrounding area. The cell phones buzzing noise can distract the individual student him/herself. The different ring tones that a cellular device can have can cause a huge distraction to the entire classroom. An alarm or reminder could go off in the middle of the class and everyone would quit paying attention to what the teacher is saying in order to look around and see whose phone was going off in the classroom.

In a 2011 article by Mohankumar it states, “A ringing phone, or beeping text, or buzzing “reminder” are all distracting sounds that disrupt the classroom. School is a child’s “work” and if cell phones are going off, how much work is anyone getting done? It’s bound to happen- people forget to silence their phones, and then everyone is distracted. So, let’s say, for instance, that the cell phone is silenced or set to “vibrate only. ” The rest of the class may not be bothered by the phone, but the person holding the phone certainly will be.

Every time a message comes in or a phone vibrates, the first reaction is to stop what one is doing, including listening to a teacher present a lesson, and answer the call, or check the text. Learning can only be hampered by allowing this type of distraction. ” Cell-phones are a huge distraction to everyone in the classroom. If the student were to fail the class, due to being on their cell phones, the students’ parents would then blame the school or even the teachers. It would then be the student’s fault, not the teacher’s fault. Cell phones are altogether a distraction to the school environment.