Stephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies Summary Essay

– Sharmili Lakshmanan
Popular culture is ever changing phenomenon, and it is been changing to worse. Seeing some of the things on television or in a movie or on the internet nowadays really makes you question the intelligence of humans as species. “why we crave horror movies” by Stephen King, makes us to think and get an idea of why we love to watch horror movie. People like scary movies because they make them feel good. Even though people scream, shout or even cry during some scary movies they end up feeling better about themselves because of realizing that some people suffer more than them even if those people were imaginary.The subconsciousness mind cant tell the difference between true and imaginary experience, thats why movies can change our moods to a great extent even though we are aware that they are not real. Personally, I like horror movies, but still i will close my eyes in some horror scenes. Those scenes will freaks me out, leaving me unsettled for days, the images a record player in my mind. But still i watch just to get thrilled. The thesis in the…

Horror movies test us on our fears, desires and mentality. As from the king’s thesis, “the reason we all crave horror movies is because we are all mentally ill”. That gives a point that we need to watch horror movies just to release our tension.Some people prefer horror movies for a different reason. They want to prove to themselves that they are brave and that they fear nothing. People always try to prove certain things true when they are not that sure of themselves. Even though they choose to watch these things, the images are still disturbing for many people.But people have the ability to pay attention as much or as little as they care to in order to control what effect it has on them, emotionally and…