The Importance Of Praying In The Church Essay

Question 1: Scot McKnight discusses the importance of both “praying in the Church” and “praying with the Church. ” Describe what he means by each type of praying. Where in Scripture can we find examples of both kinds of prayer? Further, what is the relationship between the two types, and how might they contribute to one’s spiritual life? Praying in the church is when a individual prays exactly and only what is on his or her heart. (Tickle 1) While Praying with the church which is a more formative way of praying.

Individuals/Christians prays at fixed times with set prayers on a routine on a scattered globe level. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. The prayer model has been used as a prayer praying with the church. Many church prayer service | have attend used this prayer in a corporate (the Church) setting. In Psalm 51, We have david praying from his heart a prayer of repentance.

Question 2: According to Robert Webber, worship involves “doing God’s story. He goes on to say that when doing God’s story in worship we are remembering and anticipating. What, precisely, are we challenged to remember and anticipate? In particular, how does worship through Word and Table accomplish both? We talked in classes about the crisis of the Word and Table. With the Word we find ourselves reading outside of scripture which causes misunderstanding of historical and critical of the truth. We are to read the Bible “holistically, relationally, and passionately” (Webber 125). The Word in worship challenge us to put into practice scripture follow by life application.

We have to experience an encounter with God not just know him words in a book. Table worship happens when we take communion by taking the cup to represent Jesus blood and the bread as his body broken for us we take part in doing what the scriptures say to do this in remembrance of me in Luke 27:19. It allows us to engage as we look forward to eschaton. Question 3: One of the important concepts Webber describes is “recapitulation. ” What is recapitulation and why is it so important to our understanding of biblical worship? Recapitulation is the ancient framework from creationincarnation- recreation.

Brings all together the typologies of scripture. (Webber 172) It a strength of remembrance and anticipation. It is important because it covenants with Moses and Abraham, God faithfulness to Israelites and the power of protection through creation. In the incarnation we Christ come to give his life for our salvation and then the spirit help form the church to be our comfort and guide. Re-Creation we await the second coming of Jesus Christ. Still what make it so important because we have found in the middle of incarnation and recreation.

We are constantly looking back over creation and look forward to re-creation. (class notes) Question 4: In his book on prayer, Richard Foster claims that humans cooperate with God in shaping the future because the future is, at least in part, open to God. Do you believe that God can change his course of actions on account of our prayers? [Put another way, is God already determined in his actions no matter what we pray? Can we change God’s mind? Or is there another way to understand this mystery? ] Tell me what you think and cite biblical examples to support your position.

I person believe if we are praying for God’s Will as Jesus teaches when he as if it God will for the cup to pass over it. We tend to want things in life what God may feel we don’t need. He will provide the desires on your heart when you are seeking him because he will place those on your heart to long for. In that longing for it we may seek him more and that what God want from us is the glory and honor because he is the Jehovah Jireh in life. The ultimate source of our resources. I honest I believe God doesn’t share with us on our heart the intentional plans he has for us.

In Exodus 32:14(Exodus 32), Moses came before the Lord begging on the behalf of the people God his argue according to Moses to burn against the people. Just maybe that was the time when he thought God’s Will was to do such but he actually need to teach a lesson through using vessel to make them understand what he want them to know about the God he serve. I could be wrong but this is my opinion on the position 1 stand in agreement on. Question 5: In our first two class sessions (not counting syllabus night) we watched a video of Jamie Smith teaching about worship, and talked about the implications.

We discussed how human beings are naturally “liturgical animals. ” “Liturgies” are regular (and often cultural) practices, activities, or rituals of ultimate concern that shape us. We engage in liturgies all the time – they become ingrained in our lives (Smith’s example of a common liturgy is going to the mall). Liturgies influence what we love, how we think, and what we do. What are some popular “liturgies” in our culture that affect our desires, views, and goals? Given that secular liturgies shape us in ways that are often unbiblical and ungodly, what role does Christian worship play in countering these influences?

The first liturgy I find is shaping our culture is social media. For an example when was the last time you saw a posted picture of someone depress. It is always filled with happiness and joy on individual’s accounts. Social media have gave people the sense of I got to have more because I want more. It was just sad to see my former high school on the news because of a violence fight over some shoes. It is clear to me this generation have grown up without any guidance or role models. Through their pre-teens and teenage years they have been on social media and fighting for a popularity spot in society.

Which eventually meaning they are worshipping themselves and try to glorify through their likes and followers. Second liturgy, would be sports as a whole on national and local level. People tend to become fans of a favorite team or player. Causing them to miss out on Wednesday night church services or a Sunday morning worship because of a champions or world series of something is on the bible clearly tell us we cannot serve two master at one time. We either going to choose God or we are serving two master. And we should not place no other God before us.