The Nat Turner Rebellion Essay

After the 1831 Nat Turner Rebellion, Tennessee adopted a new state constitution with a provision to disenfranchise free blacks. In 1835, Johnson won a seat in the Tennessee state legislature. He identified himself with the Democratic policies of Andrew Jackson, advocating for the poor and being opposed to nonessential government spending. He was also a … Read more

Sarah Emma Edmonds Essay

Many say a champion is one who gets up when they can’t, But sometimes it’s difficult standing up for something when your life could be put on the line. Regardless of her fear and the limitation of women’s rights, Sarah Emma Evelyn Edmonds became a soldier, nurse, and spy for the Union under a male … Read more

Battle Of Chickamauga Essay

Piper Schuller – Chickamauga – Generals – Weapons With over 20 percent of the Confederate forces killed or wounded, 16,000 Union casualties, and 18,000 Confederate casualties, the Battle of Chickamauga was known as the second bloodiest battle of the Civil War, closely following the Battle of Gettysburg. The Union and the Confederacy were fighting for … Read more