Pre Lab Assessment Essay

Pre lab assessment questions Student’s name: Stephanie Jones Student ID number: s5054629 1. Dependent and Independent Variables Check your understanding of the experimental method by identifying the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) in the following investigations. 1a. Autonomic Nervous System Experiment in Week 3 Tutorials IV (name the two levels): Thought type (neutral … Read more

Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Behavioral Theory

Cognitive therapy, originated by Aaron Beck (1976), was inspired by Stoic philosophers who believed that by discarding false beliefs through the means of logic, a person could prevent emotional disturbances (Murguia, & Diaz, 2015). Cognitive refers to; thinking, conclusions, understandings, schemas, and biases. Behavioral refers to measurable changes in the way people conduct themselves (Lorenzo-Luaces … Read more