The Materialism Of Ancient Greece

The ancient Greeks were a materialistic people. This is most evident in the work of Democritus, who believed that everything in the world was composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. For the ancient Greeks, this meant that the only reality was what could be seen and touched. They believed that the soul was not … Read more

Democritus Materialism

Materialism is the philosophical position that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental aspects of reality , are results of material interactions.   Greek materialists’ arguments were grounded on two basic assumptions: (1) material is before mind; (2) everything is made up of atoms .  Atoms were believed to … Read more

Examples Of Materialism In Brazil

Freedom is not a new concept to many of people around the world, however while many will scream proudly about their own freedom, do they know how little freedom they have, how little of a choice is present? Many would not notice the great illusion of freedom that even our society has today, with the … Read more