Epidemiology Case Study: Food Inc. Essay

1. The first interesting fact that I found out about Food Inc was that their tomatoes are ripened with ethane gas. I thought that was interesting because I never thought that they did that but they do. Ripening tomatoes on gas makes them get to people like us two times quicker because it is like putting them on steroids. This makes you really think about what you eat and what you are putting into your body. This makes me not want to eat tomatoes because the ethane gas can’t be good for the human body. I think people who do this to their food should be punished and should not be allowed to sell tomatoes. They are probably affecting so many people now and they will not feel it till 20 years now. The word that I think that relates to this is epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of patterns of disease and disability in a population. I think that relates by how some day people will get sick from the tomatoes and the process after that.

2. The next interesting fact is how McDonald’s is the largest ground meat buyer in the world. That is interesting because you would think that all their meat is fake and not real but they get real meat but they get it from the chickens on steroids. The chickens they get them from are the ones that are abused. These poor chickens in the movie get treated so poorly. The workers that take care of these chickens get treated poorly to. This is all a messed that is going to need some attention soon. I think the word that relates to this is life span. Life span is the maximum length of life of a species; for humans, the longest that a human has lived. I think that relates because the chicken’s life span is getting cut short by them getting on steroids and getting treated very poorly with their home life. Life span also relates to how the workers work and get treated. They get high blood pressure from that I’m sure and that is affecting their life span also. It also relates by the life span on the companies and how they will end up getting an affect from how they treat these chickens and the people.

3. Another interesting fact that grabbed my attention was how fish are starting to eat corn as a meal. They say it helps to have them grow so much faster. They say that is how it works with the cows. They say it has them get fatter quicker and then they can slaughter them that much quicker. I think that is so messed up because they are cutting that animals life off that much quicker. They say that cows are evolved to eat grass. They also said that fish are attended to eat just fish. I think this relates to the word of gender age. Gender age is the relative value placed on something’s life. I think that relates by how they are affecting a animals age by speeding up their age by a process. What | mean by that is that when they are like 1 they are really like they are 3. They speed up their gender age and that is what is crazy. The fish are the same way. They will grow just the same way. When a fish would be 1 years old it would be looking like it is 4. That would affect a fish by how they do not live if other animals so when it is 5 it is really like it is 7 right around when they will die. I think that is wrong especially to people who enjoy fish. That could have been someone’s pet and it could have had a better life.

4. An issue that I had with the movie is how the companies walk on the farmer’s. They do because they know they can and they know the farmers can’t do anything about it. I think that the farmers need to put there foot down and tell these companies what they can control. They should not have to pay for their stuff to be updated especially if the company wants it. If anything, they should at least split it 50/50. They should because the chicken companies make so much money and it won’t hurt what they are making. The word that I think relates to this is disabling environment. That is an environment that is harmful to health. The environment that these famer s live in is not healthy. They always need to stress if they are keeping a company happy and that is not good. Then they need to worry about how they are going to get paid so they can cover their debt. Then lastly, they need to make money off it or there is no point in staying in business.

5. Another problem that I had in the movie was how the cows would sit in there poop knee high and they would get E-Coli from it. Farmers want them to get it for some reason and that will benefit the companies with them getting bigger. E-Coli is a disease that gets in the cow and affects their life and they get it from being in their poop. If the cow is to eat just grass for 3 days the E-Coli will clear its system. That is also why they do not let cows eat grass. The word that I think that relates to this is euthanasia. Euthanasia is the mercy killing of something due to it having a problem. I think that relates by how the cows get EColi so they have a reason to kill it so that is why they let it get it. Even like letting them sit in their poop is a reason they have euthanasia. They do because when they eat they will just eat the poop and that will just go into their blood.

6. The lastly the last problem that I had in the movie was how close that corn company grew their corn. You cannot tell me that is good for the corn. They are doubling the growth of their corn on 1 acre of land. I think that is bad because the corn is defiantly not getting all the nutrients it needs especially with how close they are. They grow it like this though because there is a high need of it to just to burn ethanol. 30% of our land also in the United States is corn. Another fact that they said was 20 bushels used to be grown on 1 acre of land now 200 bushels of corn are grown on 1 piece of land. The word that I think relates to this is creative aging. That is the view that old age is a time for personal development, for greater creativity and learning new skills and outlooks on life.

That relates by they think they have created an easier way and innovative way to grow corn. Later down the road though they are going to discover how bad that really is for the corn and how it needs to stop. There soon will be a law that will be put into play and that will take care of everything. If I owned a corn field I would be the first one to switch my stuff now. I would cause when everyone gets in trouble for their corn growing so close my will be legal and everyone will want my business. I will then be successful and no one will be able to say anything cause I did it right.