Essay about No Struggle Then There Is No Progress

The Great Struggle
“If there is no struggle then there is no progress.” This quote was said by Fredrick Douglass as a way to explain how hard the world works against us. Nature has struggle naturally, an example is the lion and his prey. A lion has to struggle to catch his prey, so he can live, and the prey has to struggle to stay away from the lion so it can live. The progress that both have is that they both get to live if they make it through the struggle. When a person hears the word “struggle” most try to avoid what comes with the struggle, but everything has struggle. People avoiding struggle are struggling to avoid it, quite the conundrum. Fredrick Douglass could have meant a lot by the quote, “If there is no struggle then there is no progress,” but this is what I believe he meant….

A person struggling to move something cannot make any progress in moving it if there was not any struggle. Like his physical struggle against slavery, during the abolitionist movement. The members of this movement struggled against the slave heavy south. This struggle became a large struggle through the acts of war. War if one of the world’s biggest physical struggles. The civil war was the countries larger struggles, but lots of progress came from it. One progress is the relationship of the north and the south became closer, yet not as close as when they fought against Britain for their independence. Then there was the progress of abolishing slavery from the United States. All war, not just the civil war, is an example of the quote in its physical form with progress usually coming from it with some trade coming from the countries that worked together in the…