Essay On The Third Amendment

“No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ” The third amendment was proposed by Congress to the states in September 25, 1789. Shortly after that it was ratified in December 15, 1791. This amendment is one of the least controversial of the Bill rights and its rarely litigated. Throughout the colonial time, colonists were forced to let British soldiers sleep in their homes and eat their food. Quartering uninvited troops upset the people.

When they spoke out about the injustice of having the soldiers take over their homes, they were punished by the British government. This further strained the bond between the Colonist and the British government. The bond was already strained due to the fact that the colonist felt neglected. Today the third amendment doesn’t seem to have any constitutional significance in present; indeed, not only is it the least argued amendment in the bill of rights, but the Supreme Court has never ruled on a case on the basis of it.

In my nonprofessional opinion I think it was created because Americans and Englishmen in general believed that the issue of quartering troops in private homes was of great and credible significance. During the course of the history of the Americans and Englishmen they had developed a dislike of the armed forces; they strongly objected to the government telling them to quarter soldiers in their homes. The modern US government is not likely to ask citizens to house soldiers in their homes, not even in the time of war.

I guess it gives citizens a piece of mind that the government isn’t going to force them to house and feed US troops. It gives the citizen individual rights of domestic privacy. It lets them feel protected from the intrusion into their homes and is the only part of the Constitution that covers the relationship between the rights of individuals and the military in both peace and war. These rights emphasize the importance of civilian control over the armed forces of the US government.

Still there are some scholars of the legal system that believe it might be applied to the government’s response to terror attacks, natural disasters, and to issues involving lawful authority and the of the police. The Englishmen were kinda confusing when it came to where they wanted the troops to stay. They protested them being housed in their homes yet, the also protested them being housed in barracks away from civilization. The English were so mistrustful of armed forces that I believe that they didn’t even want an armed force at all.

The English were so mistrustful of the armed forces that they felt that if they were housed in barracks away from the population that they would pose military threats to their liberties. The English wanted the armed forces to live in inns, alehouses, and stables. Which makes no sense at all because no matter where they sleep they still pose the same threats to their liberties. The colonies, particularly the province of New York, objected to the act of housing soldiers, especially as it obliged them to raise money to support the soldiers without the support of their legislatures.

Tensions due to the presence of British soldiers in the colonies increased. In 1768 royal troops were redeployed to Boston, Massachusetts, to assist with law enforcement in a colony that was filled with resentment against the British authority. Many of the people in Boston became convinced that this standing army quartered among them in time of peace in violation of English law was designed to overwhelm them with military force.

It isn’t surprising that the Boston massacre occurred. The Third Amendment appears to have no immediate established significance at present; in fact, not just is it the slightest prosecuted alteration in the Bill of Rights, however the Supreme Court has never chosen a case on the premise of it. The government today is not prone to request that individuals house troopers in their homes, even in time of war. In any case, the alteration has some advanced ramifications.

It recommends the individual’s privilege of household security—that individuals are shielded from legislative interruption into their homes; and it is the main part of the Constitution that arrangements straightforwardly with the relationship between the privileges of people and the military in both peace and war-rights that underline the significance of non military personnel control over the military. Some lawful researchers have even started to contend that the revision may be connected to the administration’s reaction to dread assaults and characteristic fiascos, and to issues including prominent area and the militarization of the police.

At the point when the correction was composed in the eighteenth century, Americans and Englishmen all in all trusted that the issue of quartering troops in private homes was of awesome and discernable noteworthiness. Over the span of their history the English had built up a profound aversion of standing armed forces; they particularly protested the administration’s convincing them to quarter warriors in their homes.