Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons Essay

Nuclear energy is one of the hottest topics in the fight to a cleaner world. The number of people who believe that nuclear energy is too dangerous and unhealthy for the earth has skyrocketed because of the nuclear accidents that have happened in the past and recently. These protesters may have a lot of evidence and theories about how bad this type of energy can be, but the people who have realized that nuclear energy is the way to a cleaner and more “Green” society have proof and facts that overrule anything that the protesters say.
Today there are so many countries and governments that have realized that nuclear energy is the only way to significantly decrease their emissions. The world economy is producing greenhouse emissions at the…

Nuclear power does not put out green house gasses, nuclear power does not pollute our water, and unlike some people believe nuclear power does not release toxic gasses into the air. Some people believe that it produces toxic gases into the air because they see the white clouds that come out of the top of the power plant cooling towers, but in fact those white clouds are actually just the water vapor that has been used to cool the systems, it is not toxic and therefore does not pollute the air. Nuclear energy uses either plutonium or uranium, depending on the type of the reactor. Nuclear reactors produce less waste than any other type of energy source. One pound of plutonium can produce the same amount of energy as 50,000 barrels of oil. The number of deaths caused by coal powered plants is about 24,000 a year. There were only 56 direct deaths caused by the Chernobyl reactor meltdown. Fukushima had no direct deaths, and the only other reported deaths were of the 3 men who were testing a portable reactor in Arco, Idaho. Arco was also the very first city in the world to be powered by nuclear…