Personal Essay About Soccer

Soccer is an extremely popular sport in my country. The Soccer team came in first place for the division they were in, and we got invited to another divisional game that was much larger and against teams that seemed to be in a different league than us because of how huge and prestigious their names were. I was 16 at the time & one of the youngest on our team.

We were playing in an indoor Soccer game that was much larger than any Soccer game I had ever played in before. My heart was racing, and I was extremely nervous because of how amazing these other teams seemed to be compared to my Soccer team. I remembered feeling this way when I played Baseball during gym class at my old school.

However, when one of the players from the Soccer team had gotten hurt, they literally carried him off of the field while he screamed “Put me down!” repeatedly. It turned out that he wasn’t hurt that badly & it was just a minor injury. We ended up winning by 1 point! The opposing Soccer team looked visibly upset after losing the game, but some members congratulated us on our Soccer team for winning.

When the Soccer game was over, every Soccer player got a white towel with the Soccer team’s name on it. I ended up taking that towel home with me & now i’m extremely proud of having something that represents my Soccer team!

Soccer is an amazing sport, even though some people think Soccer players are wimpy because they cheer instead of scream or hit hard objects. Overall, Soccer is an all-around great sport to play & watch!

Article background information [to use as knowledge, not to be copied verbatim]: soccer, sports, personal narrative

Articles’ best attribute: relevant facts and details about what he experienced first hand at his first ever big game/soccer game

Article flaws: talks about how Soccer is an amazing sport & all-around great. Not sure if he supports Soccer so much based on his personal narrative or because of the fact that Soccer players are wimpy. He doesn’t talk about Soccer rules/how Soccer works, only what it’s like to play at a big game and win vs. lose. Doesn’t specifically refer to Soccer as a sport, but rather a ‘game’ – may need a stronger impact statement at the end. Doesn’t say whether he himself was playing Soccer or cheering from the sides, which identifies him better as a participant in the story instead of an observer at the sidelines.

Soccer. I love Soccer. Soccer is my favorite sport, and always will be. Since I was five years old, playing Soccer has been a major part of my life. Soccer is not just something that I enjoy playing- it’s so much more than that for me. Soccer runs through my veins like blood does in everyone else’s veins. Soccer is important to me because it started this amazing journey full of many memories that are worth remembering forever. Two years ago, when I was fifteen years old, the U17 Women’s National Team won the World Cup in Costa Rica.

This tournament opened doors for girls all around America who dreamed of one day putting on an Eagle Jersey and represent their country at the highest level of competition available to them. Since then, Soccer in America has grown tremendously. Soccer is no longer just a sport; Soccer has become an unstoppable force that may shape the future for years to come. Soccer was first introduced to me by my best friend when I was five years old, and since that day playing Soccer on the playground with her during elementary school recess, Soccer has been an important part of my life.

By the end of elementary school, I started getting really serious about Soccer and joined a competitive club team called Internationals Soccer Club (ISC). ISC played against many high caliber teams all around Northern Virginia including clubs like Braddock Road Youth Club (BRYC) which were also very good at developing young talent. After three years of playing Soccer there, I moved to Soccer Club Virginia Rush (SCVR). SCVR was a lot different than ISC because it was more training intensive and played against tougher teams.

When I first got started playing Soccer at SCVR, the team wasn’t very good which made me work even harder to improve my Soccer skills. Soccer became something that I took way too seriously for being just a kid. After two years of playing Soccer with SCVR though, things changed for the better- our team became one of the best teams in Virginia Beach. We won many tournaments throughout my time playing with SCVR and were recognized by Soccer Clubs across America as being an elite club state-wide.

Playing Soccer with SCVR was probably one of the best experiences in my Soccer career thus far, and it really shaped many of the goals I have today. Soccer is more than just a sport to me- Soccer will always be something close to my heart because Soccer has provided so many wonderful things in my life. Soccer helped me meet new friends, learn how to work as part of a team with people from different backgrounds, travel across America and even become an Eagle Scout.

Soccer gave me opportunities that I would never have had otherwise, and showed me the value of hard work and dedication. These are all reasons why Soccer is not just another sport but rather an influential factor that shapes who I am today. With the World Cup coming up this summer in Canada, Soccer is on everyone’s mind lately. Soccer is not just a sport that I love watching, but also one that will continue to impact my life in the future. Soccer has been something very important for me to be a part of and it’s because Soccer isn’t just a sport- Soccer is a journey worth taking.

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