Personal Narrative: My First Class Essay

I headed to my first class which just so happened to be my favorite subject, English. The hallways were very wide but when filled with students I felt like I had to shove my way through just to get to my locker. The lockers were a mixture between Gray and purple. The school colors were supposed to be purple and silver but there was no way that these lockers could be considered. I took a look at the little piece of paper that the lady in the office had given me and tried out the combination on my locker.

It took me about five minutes to open it and after struggling for that long I was a little irritated so when it did open, it flew open and slammed into the locker next to mine. I held my breath and hoped that nobody had noticed. I took a long deep breath and slowly opened my eyes again. Luckily I was still standing alone and nobody around was looking at me. I put my extra books and notebooks into the locker and and closed it as quietly as I could. I got to the door of my classroom and touched the cold silver handle, took a deep breath, pushed the handle down and walked in.

As soon as I entered I found it extremely hard to breath I could actually feel the heaviness of the eyes that were on me. ALL of the eyes were on me. I already hated this teacher because he made me stand up in the front of the room and introduce myself, and if you have never done this before just imagine this. You walk into a room full of strange people you don’t know wearing the complete opposite thing as them and then you have to stand in front of all of them and not only be introduced but also having to actually speak to them. I was horrible.

I could already feel my cheeks getting warm when one of the kids yelled out and ask why I was dressed like this. I looked desperately at the teacher hoping he would let me sit down and he gave me a little nod towards the back of the room, thank god. The entire class was pretty quiet during the period but every now and then I would see a couple of people look back at me a whisper. I knew they were talking about me but I pretended not to care. The teacher gave the class a lecture on some stupid thing that I didn’t really understand, and knew I would have to ask him to explain it to me later.

Finally the bell rang and everyone darted out of the room. I began to get up and the teacher called me up to his desk. I slowly and dreadfully trudged my way up to his desk. I knew that I was taking a long time to get there but that was because teachers always made me kind of nervous. At my old school they were all a bunch of witches and all they did was try and make every student’s life miserable. I finally reached his desk and decided that i’d better learn his name before I started speaking to him so I looked at the nametag on his desk. So are you settling in well, or do you need a little extra help. ” “Well, I’m doing okay but I don’t completely understand Mr. Zena” “If you need to stay after school so I can help you understand I’ll be here” He replied. “Thanks” I mumbled as I was walking towards the door. The final bell finally rang and I was instantly relieved, I had made it through the day. I headed to my english class to get help with the lesson, when all of a sudden the frisbee jerk who gave me shitty directions appeared. He began walking towards me and I was instantly annoyed, then I saw the look on his face.

It was pure hatred. “Hey how was your visit to the office dork” He sneered. “Why did you tell me to go there” I timidly asked “Why couldn’t you just tell me where it was, and who were those people in there? ” “Look you might have everyone else fooled but I know what kind of person you really are and I am not going to let you get away with playing people around. No I will get rid of you one way or another you stupid hoe” “Whats going on here? ” It was Mr. Zena, my hero. He took the frisbee jerk to the door and told him to either go home or the principal’s office.

I stood and watched as he walked out the door and then Mr. Zena came over and asked me if I was okay. I told him I was okay and I tried to hold back my tears but I failed. I couldn’t stop crying and I knew that I looked pathetic and weak and I hated it but I couldn’t help it. Mr. Xena grabbed my arm and pulled me into his classroom where I slid down the war and just cried. When I was finished I could no longer cry. I stood up and looked up at him. He didn’t mention what had just happened and for the first time I really noticed what he looked like. He had green eyes like the grass right after a storm.

His jawline was so perfect and chiseled that I thought if I reached out and touched it, it would slice my finger right open, he had a button down shirt that was untucked from his pants which were a dark black denim, his hair was the most perfect feature about him though. I was a dark brown with hints of gold and a lighter brown mixed in, it was styled so perfectly that if I didn’t know any better I would think he was a star in some new hit romance movie. Then I began to blush when I realised I had been staring and instantly looked down at the floor.

I took a chance to look up and see if he had noticed my staring and he just began to chuckle. We began going over the lesson and of course I felt like an idiot because I thought I had been pretty good at english and writing up to this point, but all of the things he was talking about I had no clue as to what they were. After about an hour and a half later I decided that i’d better head home before my grandparents began to freak out. I headed home and thought about everything that had happened today but the one thing that stuck in my mind was what that kid had said about me.

I couldn’t understand why he would say those things when he didn’t know anything about me. Who did he think he was? I mean honestly he literally knew nothing about me and I hated that I let something so stupid get under my skin enough as to make me cry in front of my new teacher, who I was sure shouldn’t be out of college yet. He looked like he was only a couple years older then the kids in my class. Riiing Riiing Riiing “Hello? ” “Hey homey it me your grandma” “Oh hi, sorry I didn’t recognise your voice” I chuckled. “Well I just wanted to make sure you were doing wrightand that you hadn’t gotten lost yet. “Um thanks but I think I’m almost home so I’ll see you in a few minutes okay” “Alrighty love you” beep. I honestly had no idea how close I was to my grandparents house but I really just wanted to have some time alone to think. I was pretty sure that the ouse was just a few minutes away and I just needed to walk past the little rundown blue cafe that was at the end of the street and then turn left.

I was beginning to regret wearing the black pants and shirt because it was suddenly getting realy, realy hot. I saw the little cafe in the distance about twenty feet away and I figured I could make it at least that far but hen I got about ten feet farther I started to feel extremely dizzy and everything was beginning to blur together. I suddenly felt hands close around my shoulder and I instantly leaned into whoever it was. I didn’t care who it was because all I could think about was not falling into the very solid concrete beneath me and not barfing all over whoever was helping me. We finally reached the cafe and the man lead me to a booth in the corner of the place and told me to put my head down for a bit while he went to get me a glass of water.

I heard his footsteps begin to fade away and I just thought to myself that this day couldn’t possibly get any worse. I looked up to get a better look of the place because I realised I had never actually been inside of here, I had always just kind of seen it from the outside when we visited my grandparents. The first thing I noticed however was not the walls or the decorations or the giant old semi unsafe looking chandelier, no the first thing I noticed was Mr. Zena walking straight at me with a glass of water. I began to panic as I realised that this is the second time that my teacher has seen me at my worst.

First I had to come at him with all my sobbing and lack of understanding and now I’m sitting in a cafe not two blocks from my grandparents house half passed out. Haha great first impression. “Hey how are you doing there kido? ” his deep gentle voice rang into my ear. “Um uh okay I guess” Yup way to not stutter and sound like a complete idiot Ann, keep up the great work “Hey do you need a ride home,I live a few blocks away but I saw you walking home after I left the school and I saw that you weren’t looking so hot, luckily i was able to get to you before you completely passed out. He sounded oddly concerned, I mean after all I was just another new student at his huge gigantic monstrous sized school. “Um well I just live like a block away so I think that I will be okay. But uh thanks for the offer. ” I got up out of my chair and began to head to the door when I once again heard that soothing voice. “Come on henderson let me give you a ride” He offered I glared at him for calling me by my last name but I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to walk home on my own.

I’m petty sure that if I tried he would have just followed me and walked with me until we got to my house. At least this way I didn’t have to be seen as the girl who is so immature that she needs to be babysat by her teacher while she walked home. The ride home had not been nearly as bad as I had expected it to be. The whole ride basically consisted of us talking about the kind of music we like and I’m pretty sure that at least one of us would grown with every song that came onto the radio. I hadn’t hated the ride home but I was definitely glad when we got to my grandparents house.

I hopped out of hi car and headed towards my door i heard him holler at me on my way inside but I decided to just ignore him and go inside. No sooner than my butt hitting the sofa the doorbell rang. I jumped off the couch with a groan and slowly stomped to the door. You’ll never guess who was standing there. No can’t figure it out, well let’s just say this is getting out of hand. “Yes Mr. Zena” I slowly sighed “Please call me David, I’m only Mr. Zena in the classroom. I think the name makes me sound old anyhow so please call me david” He threw the words out,and for the first time I think that he sounded a little off put.

Alrighty then, David, What can I do for you? ” “Oh yea, here you left your school bag in my car” He said as he handed me the bag. “Well thanks. I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow. ” “Yeah see ya” He turned to walk away but about halfway down the driveway he turned around to see if I was still there. I quickly slammed the door shut and ran up to my bedroom. I decided that I would commit to staying in for the night because I Had already had enough trouble for one day and I knew that if I just stayed in bed for thee rest of the day then nothing could possibly go wrong.

I walked over to my very childish pink flower covered dresser and opened the old creaky wooden drawer closest to the bottom and pulled out my favorite pajamas. They were also childish, but I didn’t care because they were comfortable and I ;loved them. I fell asleep that night while doing homework trying to get caught up with all my classes because I knew for a fact that i didn’t know ner=early enough to be atthis smart people school. At my old school I was actually considered one of the smartest people in my grade, but here everything was a lot more challenging and a lot more is expected out of you.

I woke up to the annoying call of my grandmother screaming at me to come downstairs and eat breakfast, even though I haven’t eaten breakfast in years. I hollered back down at her that I wasn’t hungry but she didn’t seem happy with that answer so she came upstairs and told me to go downstairs right now and get something to eat. I trudged down the stairs and and instead of grabbing a plate to grab some eggs and bacon like my grandfather I grabbed an apple. I showed it to my grandma as I ran back up the stairs. I knew she wasn’t happy with my choice but it seemed to satisfy her need to care for me every