Personal Narrative-Racism In Middle School Essay

I’m Mike the slowest kid in algebra decided why do my homework it’s not worth it. In the small, cramped, dark, and overheated class room the fire breathing dragon, Mrs. Jurassic who became our teacher after Mrs. Franigan was burned to a crisp. Mrs. Jurassic came to me and gave me a look that seemed to say, in a strange deep voice, of course, “if-you-don’t-start-thatyou’ll-be-spending-time-during-D. S. -studying-with-me.

The algebra book I used was covering my comic book I was reading, but then I hear A deep growl that shakes the classroom and I look up, It’s her coming right at me, so I hide under the desk, she grabs my foot and I was stretched out on the floor and saw in my comic book meanwhile so I wrote it on my desk I was dragging while I was being dragged and then I wasn’t there but I was still in a classroom but where. This classroom was extremely cold and then i look up, i’m in A college lecture room, why am I here I think a bit and then realized I was moved somewhere because of the….. Meanwhile.

Thear a loud booming voice “Mike! ” I look up it’s A professor and on the board it say’s calculus. Calculus! , I hear the professor say “Mike do your assignment our get kicked out, your choice”| responded with “I don’t know pre-algebra though” then everybody in the lecture hall started laughing and I started feeling the anxiety kick in I couldn’t take it, so on the back wall | wrote in sharpie messy “MeAnwHile”. I woke up I was cold & dark, I looked around and saw I was on a USSR-NASA-UK Space Agency-DLR Space Administration (all space programs from around the world)space station.

The station spined slowly hovering above the arctic ocean, I got up and explored and found the mess hall, so I started eating the horrible, nasty food, I would of not of eaten it if I wasn’t so hungry. The station suddenly shook a bit and I heard a crash and doors hitting the walls, so out of instinct Iran. The station was enormous it had different sections for different countries and then I looked outside, the earth was a greenish blue for water and the continents where brown, what the bleep-blopblob is going on.

I continue thru the station except for this time walked with a butter knives I had found, oddly I found more than enough rooms for a crew, a total of 25 rooms per country section, each one was about 10 ft X 5 ft and had 6 bunkbeds, but why. After walking a while I sat down in a room after closing and locking the door I saw propaganda posters, but not for a war with humans a war with the earth and preserving it. I did the math, the station was about made for a total of 3700 people, I found this out because there was a station map there was different sections for 25 different countries.

Luckily the room picked was in the USA section so I could understand the words, oddly I found lots of books that were like bibles but it wasn’t a religion but it had history that I thought was fake, like aliens creating earth for their hunger needs and how they came back to eat whatever animal was here. I exited the USA section into the Brittan area, and I saw A small terrier sitting facing the opposite way. The dog was sitting there doing nothing, interested I got down on my knees and whistled, but the dog didn’t move, so I touched it back.

The dog morphed into an alien about 8′ and as wide as a cow with a dark green slimish body with 8 tentacles with a head the size of giant beachball. It grabbed my foot and dragged me towards the mess hall of the Brittan area and there where more all looking at me with their red beady eyes, of course I was screaming in fear and then I realized I had a butter knife in my back pocket and so I took it out and carved into a piece of a board (from the destruction of the station the aliens did) Meanwhile I found myself in a swamp ith what seemed to be a potato bag for a shirt but on the bag it said “Kartoffel” I know that its german because my great grandma was from Germany. I was by my mom us both in raggedy clothes and I here here say “verstecken” in a terrified voice, I hid behind a tree because from what my dad roughly translated from my great grandma’s stories that word came up allot involving hiding from officers.

Behind the tree I saw about 7 SS soldiers, 4 of them SS-Untersturmfuhrer rank which would translate to SS-Under Storm Leader in german or 2nd lieutenant in america, 2 SS-Obersturmfuhrer which translates to SS-Senior Storm Leader or in American ranks 1st lieutenant, and 1 SSHauptsturmfuhrer which translate AS-Head Storm Leader or a Captain to us Americans. Each one of them had dogs from terriers to hounds they grabbed my mom then I realized what was happening, It was 1941 the final solution was created or in other words all of us jews are going to die.

My mom screamed and kicked while they dragged her, I had enough, I hoped out from the tree and said Verlierer or losers in american and I had a plan to knock all 7 officers out, but that failed because when I ran towards them they pulled their guns which were 1 7mm 08, 3 Mauser C96, and 3 Maschinenpistole 18. After being put in a back of a truck and brought to… The Auschwitz concentration camp !!! I thought to myself “what the bleep blop blob am | doing, I can leave, I would rather be on the bottom of the ocean slowly drowning. I checked my trousers pockets but the only thing I could find was my knees.

Worried the SS soldiers would return and do horrific, twisted, devil like things to my mom and me, I asked the 50 people in my small bunk and found not a single writing material. That night I couldn’t sleep because of all the pain I was feeling because the people I saw the homosexuals, Jews, communists, were all going to die for believing in what they want to.

A school bell woke me up, and instantly some were ushered to the showers to never be seen again and the rest of us sent to a factory to assemble cars. I had to clean the machinery and so while doing so I started to etch nto a armored car door meanwhile with a screw driver, but after the Me a SS guard quickly started to walk towards me so I etched the anw then he shouted and started to run at me so I hurried and etched the hil and then he drew his Whalter PPK and so I stopped and slipped the screwdriver into my pocket and then at that moment I realized my pocket has a hole in them and the screwdriver clanged on the floor and when that happened the officer was right in front of me so I ducked picked up the screw driver and ran at his legs and pushed him backwards until I tripped and banged the guys head against a armored car so hard that he was knocked out, but I feel bad for the car more than I do for him.

All the SS guards stared at me and all drew their guns so I hid behind the car door I was etching on and I started carving the last e while bullets bounced of the armored cars door. I’m still here, I’m still here!? So l etched meanwhile in the armored car again but yet again it failed, so I hopped into the vehicle and slid to the right side and put my foot on the brakes and started it and then put my foot on the clutch and put it in first and drove off. Luckily my dad taught me how to drive stick and I always said I would never need to use one but I guess he was right. Driving out with bullets hitting the armoured vehicle I thought about how this related to an action movie and so like in the action movies I tried jumping it off a trailer, but that didn’t go so good by the time I reached the trailer | accidentally pulled a lever because I thought it would put N. O. S. in the fuel or drop a bomb but all it did was lock the wheels which brought me to a stop, at that moment I realized I pulled the E-break.

Thinking of how to get out of this timel world/dimension while watching SS soldiers about to seize the vehicle in the side view mirrors then I realized how to escape, so on the dash board I etched The End. “I’m Back” | shouted, as everyone in class turns and stares at me Mrs. Jurassic came up to me and asked “Where have you been the last 5 minutes” || replied “Everywhere, but I’m glad to be in your class”, “If that’s true, Do your homework” she shouted, “I would gladly do my homework rather than experience what I just did in the last 5 minutes”, then she walked out of the room in frustration thinking I was messing around, and when she walked back in she wasn’t a dragon anymore, she was a old lady named… Mrs. Franigan.