Potato Enzyme Experiment Essay

Introduction: Enzymes are a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to activate a specific reaction. The purpose of this experiment was to figure out if the temperature of the reaction would rise, will the absorption rise as well. Reactions use energy, If there is energy than heat occurs. The Hypothesis that was figured out was, If the temperature rises, then the absorption will also go up. The Independent variable that was tested was temperature. The dependent variable that was being tested was color and absorption. The data was calculated by a spectrophotometer.

The control group of this experiment was room temperature. The constant variables were, the amount of distalled water, catechol substrate, and potato extract in each tube was the same. (2ml) The size of the test tubes were the same also. Materials: The materials that were used in this experiment were: Distilled water, (2 ml) catechol substrate (2 ml), potato extract, (2 ml) spectrophotographer, this was used to measure the absorbance value of the reactions, ice bath, this was used for a reaction, hot plate, this also used for a reaction and to test out the hypothesis.

We also used a thermomator, to test out the temperature of the hot plate, multiple cuvettes, to test out the reaction and to measure in the spectrophotographer, laboratory film, to keep anything from going in or out the cuvettes while the reaction was taking place, a test tube rack, to keep the cuvettes organized, a wax pencil was used, to label the cuvettes, and task whips were also necessary, to keep everything sanitary. Methods: To start this experiment you will need to have four of your cuvettes in a test tube rack.

Next you will need to acquire a wax pencil and label the test tubes 1-3. You will then need to measure out 2ml of distilled water and 2ml of catechol substrate. After everything is measured out and put into the cuvettes, stir the liquid around a little. After this step, insert 2ml, of potato extract and put the laboratory film on top of the cuvettes. Then, quickly transport the cuvettes to their appropriate locations. (Ice bath, hot plate,and leave one alone at room temp.

After a little time has passed remove them and use the task wipes to remove any debri on the exterior of the cuvettes. Record the color changes. Zero the spectrophotometer, then place each sample in the spectrophotometer. Record the number that displays on the screen. After all data has been recorded, then you must clean the test tubes. Wipe of the wax with the task whips. After that step was complete, carefully wash the cuvettes. Use a test tube brush if necessary. Use soap, than rinse. Store the cuvettes upside down for them to dry.

Results: (Written Summary) During the time that this experiment was being done, I found the results to be quite shocking. I found the results to be opposite of what I expected and it flabbergasted both my partners and I. The hot plate absorbance number was 0. 414, it was the lowest of the group. The room temperature absorbance number was 0. 544, my partners and I expected this result. The most surprising result was the ice bath. The absorbance number of this test was 0. 722, which completely made us re-think our hypothesis.

Conclusion: While this experiment was being performed, I noticed a few things. I found out my hypothesis was completely opposite to what actually happened. What happened during this experiment was as the temperature got lower, the absorbance number actually got higher. Based on the results shown above, the Ice Bath turned into a yellow brown type of color and it had a absorbance number of 0. 722. On the other hand, the room temperature turned into a brown peach type color and had a absorbance number of 0. 544.

The final test was with the hot plate, it turned into a light pink color and also had a absorbance number of 0. 414. While I was testing experiment I was told to put in the potato extract in the tubes after I have put in the distilled water and catechol substrate. The reason for this is because the reaction occurs very rapidly, and so you could record what color it was turning into. If I was to complete this experiment again I would put all of the materials closer to me because a lot of time was wasted transporting the test tubes to their correct locations.