Racial profiling has always been a major topic and, still is today. Due to constant media attention, racial profiling remains the most talked about. It receives the most attention online and, remains the most debated about in our legal system. Racial profiling is one topic like so many others, that stands out in the U. S. Racial profiling was an act that was put in place by the government. This act was enabled to help law enforcement, keep the peace and, most importantly, prevent crime. Due to the negative effects of the Racial Profiling act, it’s argued that it should come to an end.
Racial Profiling is an act that needs to end because, it’s harmful to the public and, can be offensive. Racial profiling can also have deadly repercussions, such as those in the Trayvon Martin case. This case is one of many cases, that show examples of how racial profiling is having a negative effect on society. Racial Profiling has received lots of media attention and, is one of the reasons why it’s so well known. Although, as talked about as racial profiling is, many don’t really know much about it. What is racial profiling and, what does it mean to be profiled?
This system uses racial or, ethnic characteristics such as; race ethnicity, religion or national origin. Many believe that racial profiling is a form of discrimination by police. It ‘s used by police to determine if a person is going to commit an illegal act or a crime. Racial profiling is in simplest terms a form of stereotyping. Many are unaware that racial Profiling is indirectly linked with, stop and frisk. In order to stop and frisk a person or persons, you must have probable cause. When police use stop and frisk they also use racial profiling. Stop and frisk was first passed in 1964.
The Fourth Amendment, allows police to legally stop a person and detain them. The exception is only when there is reasonable suspicion. The media helps contribute to racial profiling and, is responsible for about 90 percent of general stereotypes. A case called Floyd v. The City of New York was about street stops and, racial profiling. The case was filled by the people of New York. Some of the statistics from that case show the results of the stops in the time period of January 2004 and June 2012. They show that 4. 4 million were stopped in this time period.
The results of these stops showed 88 percent received no other action was taken. This means that most, if not all that were stopped, were doing no wrong. Almost 90 percent were black or Hispanic. This shows that minorities are the most racially profiled. Racial profiling continues to be a sensitive topic. Racial profiling is destructive and, is a program that is damaging society. Racial profiling was designed to be beneficial and, prevent crime. Despite the initial purpose, the results of racial profiling has been negative a majority of the time.
According to the Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ” (The Penal Law Section 140. 50) This means that police must have reasonable suspicion to stop and search someone. Police are not allowed to take race, ethnicity or any other characteristics into consideration when searching for a suspect.
According to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, doing so is prohibited. In addition, it’s prohibited to use funds that result in or, encourage discrimination. Statistics show that disparities are stopped more often. Most of the time they are doing nothing criminal. More than half of the stops that are made are followed up with no further action. This means that the people that were stopped were innocent. Only 6% Resulted in a summons or, further action. Racial Profiling is ethical, against the moral code. As individuals, we are taught by our parents not to judge anyone.
It goes against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which specifically prohibits the use of discrimination is anyway, shape, or form. This includes racial and, ethnic discrimination. Racial profiling can have deadly repercussions. Innocent people can lose their lives, due to being racially profiled. Trayvon Benjamin Martin was born February 5, 1995, in his home state of Sanford, Florida. Trayvon Martin was a victim of and, lost his life due to Racial profiling. Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by Mark Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. Zimmerman was part of the neighborhood watch in Sanford, Florida.
There had been a series of robberies and, the community decided to create a neighborhood watch in September 2011. After the watch was set up police had begun to receive a number of calls, where Mark Zimmerman said, he had seen someone who had looked suspicious. They received these calls from August 2011 to February 2012. All of the individuals that Zimmerman reported suspicious, were all African American men. On the night Trayvon Martin died, he left a local convenience store, with an ice tea and a pack of skittles. Mark Zimmerman had called the police to report a suspicious person after 7pm.
Trayvon is followed by Mark Zimmerman and, shot in the chest. His father the next day, files a missing person report. He is informed of his some death by the Sanford Police Department. The confrontation had only taken 3 minutes and resulted in 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, dead less than a hundred yards from where he was staying. On April 11, 2012, Zimmerman, was charged with second-degree murder but later found not guilty. The trial began June 24 and, ended in early July. Mark Zimerman claimed he shot Trayvon in self-defense. The result of the trial sparked protests.
This was a result of racial profiling because Mark Zimmerman had previously called the police multiple times about African American’s that he deemed suspicious before he shot Trayvon Martin in 2012. The death of Trayvon resulted in national protests where the protesters had worn hoodies to speak out against racial profiling. Trayvon Martin’s death was due to racial profiling. The case was one that lit a fire for a national debate about racial profiling and, its effect on the people. Racial profiling is an act that has caused a national debate all across the country. There have been protests both for its end, and, its continuation.
The continuation of racial profiling is important and, helps protect people in society as a whole. It’s a tool that police need to use in order to prevent crime and, keep the peace. The racial profiling act is needed and, helps promote public safety awareness. Due to Racial profiling and, stop and frisk 66,000 weapons were taken away and, are now off the streets. There have been 264,000 arrests over a ten-year span which, is proof that the act is working and, has had a positive effect. It has taken potential criminals off the streets and, prevented potential victims from being targeted.
According to Chief of Department Joseph Esposito a retired NYPD officer, crime in New York has decreased 40 Percent in 12 years and, an 80 percent decrease in 20 years. The act is making people more aware of public safety and, how important Racial profiling is. Police use reasonable suspicion in order to determine if someone is going to commit a crime. To the best of their ability, police try and prevent the crime from occurring. Due to the Racial Profiling Act, crime has dropped dramatically in New York City. There is a worry in the department of misconduct. Guidance and, discretion are necessary to prevent harassment.
And any officer or department doing so should be disciplined. Racial profiling is a good thing to have. It’s seen differently through the nation. Racial profiling has had different effects on different people. Racial profiling is an act that, needs to come to an end. The repercussions of racial profiling are being felt nationwide. The people that are victims of racial profiling are, most often, innocent. Statistics have shown that people that were stopped, were stopped due to being racially profiled. In 2011, about 11 percent of stops were description based off violent crime suspects.
From 2002-2011, minority residents made up 90 percent of the people that were stopped. And jaw-dropping 3. 8 million plus were innocent people. That’s overall 88 percent of people that were stopped that were being racially profiled. Statistics from Park Slope showed that, African American’s and, Latino’s made up 24 percent of the population in 2011. Yet there was an astounding 79 percent, that were stopped due to racial profiling. African American men and Latino men in New York City take up 90 percent of all stops. Since 2002 stop and frisks due to racial profiling, have gone up. In 2002, it was 97,000.
In 2012, the number had climbed to 700,000. The reason given for the dramatic numbers is that minorities are more dangerous. Crime data and, statistics don’t support the claim that people are safer because of racial profiling. Racial profiling is a violation of The Fourth Amendment which states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (The Penal Law Section 140. 50)
This includes racial and, ethnic discrimination. Racial profiling is against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act prohibits specifically the use of discrimination in it’s entirety. Large cities such as Los Angeles and New Orleans have had crime decline without using racial profiling. Los Angeles had a 56 percent decline. New Orleans had a 49 percent decline. These statistics prove that there are ways to lower crime without using racial profiling. Police don’t need to use racial profiling in order to prevent crime.
One that is racially profiled might feel that their rights are being violated and, that they were doing nothing wrong. Everyone should have the right not to worry about being racially profiled or stopped due to their race, religion or ethnicity. Racial Profiling has negative effects on society. Cases such as the Trayvon Martin case stands as proof of just how poorly racial profiling effects the nation. Racial profiling is offensive and, harms the public. Racial profiling can be deadly and, the repercussions have a ripple effect through the nation.
It’s cases that have deadly outcomes that show examples of how racial profiling is having a negative effect on society. Racial profiling has made more problems for the U. S although, it was created to solve problems. Statistics show that there needs to be another way other than racially profiling someone to decrease the crime rate. As shown by the Trayvon Martin case and, crime statistics Racial profiling can have deadly repercussions and, is a larger problem than is being let on. Due to all of the problems caused, The Racial Profiling Act should come to an end.