Rappaccini’s Daughter Analysis Essay

Our Evil Nature
Evil is an immortal part of all living species. It’s considered dark and leads its host to do bad stuff. This applied to a quote from Young Goodman Brown, “Depending upon one anothers hearts, ye had still hoped that virtue were not all a dream. Now are ye undeceived. Evil is the nature of mankind.” Evil is always looking for the smallest opportunity to lead it host to the bad direction. Mankind being under this huge umbrella of living species; It is the nature of mankind because it is an innate reaction to respond with violence, violence shows our superiority and no skill needed for evilness.
Evil is a mankind nature because it is innate in mankind to respond to certain actions with violence. ‘Hop Frog’ is a short story wrote…

“Rappaccini’s Daughter”, is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rappaccini used his scientific abilities to get his peers respect. He turned respect into fear because he grew a poisonous garden and wanted to control people like lab rats. Professor Pietro Baglioni warning Giovanni said, `to withhold due and well-considered praise of a physician so eminently skilled as Rappaccini. But, on the other hand, I should answer it but scantily to my conscience, were I to permit a worthy youth like yourself, Signor Giovanni, the son of an ancient friend, to imbibe erroneous ideas respecting a man who might hereafter chance to hold your life and death in his hands. The truth is, our worshipful Doctor Rappaccini has as much science as any member of the faculty–with perhaps one single exception–in Padua, or all Italy. But there are certain grave objections to his professional character.` (Page 4, Rappaccin’s Daughter). This quote shows how much respected and feared was Rappaccini statue in the society. He tried to make up for his mistakes by finding a mate to his venomous daughter he created. He ended up paying the price of loosing his daughter because of his involuntary evil…