The Indian Removal Act’s Contribution To The Civil War Essay

Have you ever made a trade that was fair to you, but unfair to someone else or vice versa. Well, you’re not the only one. On May 28, 1830 there was an act signed that stated that the Congress and Government could trade and negotiate for their land in return for the land on the west side of the Mississippi River. John Ross a Cherokee chief, Andrew Jackson the president, and the congress were all involved in the signing of this act. The Congress and the other people involved on the government side wanted the land because they had more access to it and had better quality than the previous land.

The bold effort the president Central Bank had made to control the government… are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or established of another like this” – Andrew Jackson. The Indian removal act was significant to American history and it lead to the civil war. The Indian removal act was significant to American history because of the removal of Native American territory for usage of the government.

The Indian removal act lead to the civil war because it broke the treaty between the native Americans and the government about no more communication over land, which made the north very upset. The Indian removal act was significant to American history because of the removal of Native American territory for usage of the government. The Indian removal act was very significant to American history because of its trading of land between the native Americans and the government which resulted of stir up everywhere in the south, and in the Native American tribes such as the Cherokee tribe.

First, American history as of today would not be the same due to the land that is now Oklahoma, would possibly not be ours. The trail of tears which was a result of this act, runs through Oklahoma and now makes that land ours and the land west of the Mississippi River, the tribes, this is back in the early 1830’s- mid 30’s. This act was thought upon by the north and they did not appreciate the government taking advantage of the Native Americans just for land. The north was also aware of the treaty that was signed between the government and the tribes which the north had to obey also.

As well, the trading of this land was for federal purposes only, this meant that even after the government got all this land they kept it to themselves and didn’t let the public take advantage of this great land. The north was unhappy about this as well because without land for the people, the people are not happy. The Indian removal act lead to the civil war because it broke the treaty between the native Americans and the government about no more communication over land, which made the north very upset.

The Indian removal act was a leading cause of the civil war, because it broke the treaty between the US government and the Native American tribes such as the Cherokee tribe. The government and the Native American tribes signed on an agreement for no more communication of land or trades of land. This was a large stir up because the Native Americans didn’t have much choice to move to their new spots west of the Mississippi River. This clearly broke the treaty which then forced them out. This also had a lot of controversy towards the north because they knew it was unfair as well and they wanted the usage of more land too.

Although the south twisted the rules the north still had to obey by the treaty as they did. The Native American tribes took these trades and after the trades they continued to stir up more arguments and it ended up being a large reason for the Civil War. Now that these trades are over, who knows how the south could have been without them whether it was for the good or the bad. Making these poor trades never make it fair for both sides. This was a very big example of false trading where you do not get equal sides of the trade. This is a huge factor when it comes to the Civil War because of these significant reasons.

The Indian removal act caused so much stir up in the north, south and in the government that it lead to the Civil War. The Indian removal act was significant to American history and it led to the Civil War. The Indian removal act was significant to American history because of the removal of Native American territory for usage of the government. The Indian removal act lead to the civil war because it broke the treaty between the native Americans and the government about no more communication over land, which made the north very upset.