My Ideal Job Paragraph

I often think about what my ideal job would be. I’ve had a lot of different jobs, and while some of them have been okay, none of them have really felt like the perfect fit. So, what exactly would my ideal job entail? For starters, it would involve American football. I’ve always loved the sport … Read more

Set Hike Summary

Set Hike the play began and Will went out for the pass did a eight yard hitch, WOOF the ball left the QB’s hand and landed right in the hands of Will in the endzone. SCORE the touchdown is good. After the play and being congratulated he felt something vibrating in his pocket, so acting … Read more

NFL Head Injuries Essay

A concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury, results from a blow to the head (“NFL Head Injuries”). The concussion epidemic, an ever rising problem in sports today, has become very prominent, especially in the NFL. With the new research that has surfaced in the last couple years, the NFL has received grief … Read more

Concussion In Sports Essay

American football is a well-known sport throughout the USA and most likely the world. Professional football players are rich and a lot of them are seriously injured like having concussion. By the time a player retires from the sport they might go through many concussion in the time spent playing the sport. Some factor like … Read more

Pat Tillman Hero Essay

From NFL Star to American Hero Many people dream of playing a professional sport, but not many people would give up that dream to go into the military. Pat Tillman was a football star from Arizona State University and later the Arizona Cardinals. In 2002, Tillman put his NFL career on hold and enlisted in … Read more

NFL Concussions Essay

The alarming effects of Concussions in the NFL has become a major topic of discussion with a wide variety of opinions from medical professionals, NFL representatives, academic institutions and Anti-NFL advocates. While there has been action taken on behalf of the NFL. some believe that these actions still aren’t enough and that the complete mitigation … Read more