Bipolar Affective Disorder Essay

Bipolar affective disorder, also known as bipolar disorder or manic depression, is a mental illness characterized by extreme changes in mood. People with bipolar disorder can experience periods of extremely high energy and happiness, known as mania, followed by periods of low energy and depression. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can have a … Read more

Andrea Yates

People commit murder for many reasons, whether it is out of anger, love, jealousy, pure rage, etc. , but why is it that we never speak of those who just seem more inclined to the extreme emotion, or lack of, that can lead to murder? In fact, “Approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U. … Read more

Suicide Rates: Gender Differences In Depression

Suicide rates often vary between genders, ethnicities, and social classes, but in some studies suicide rates are shown higher in adults, specifically older Caucasian males (Suicide). However, depression rates, in general, display a strong lean toward women throughout their youth leading into adulthood. During childhood, boys actually show higher rates of depression then girls do. … Read more