Generosity Essay

Generosity is the act of giving freely without expecting anything in return. It is a selfless act that can make a difference in someone else’s life. When we are generous, we often feel happier and more fulfilled. This is because generosity is one of the most important things we can do to improve our personal … Read more

Good Life Essay

It is commonly said that the good life is one that is full of happiness and satisfaction. But what does this really mean? Is the good life simply a life free from pain and suffering? Or is there more to it than that? The answer may depend on who you ask. For some people, the … Read more

How To Achieve Happiness

Emotion is one of the key elements to happiness. Emotionally happy people are usually also physically healthy people. They tend to have great social lives and strong relationships. Emotionally happy people feel good about themselves and their lives. What causes happiness? There are many things that can contribute to a person’s happiness. Some believe that … Read more

Pursuit Of Happiness Essay

Everyone’s life is dependent on their own objectives. When someone reaches their goals, it brings them pleasure and contentment. The pursuit of one’s desires is just as gratifying. While preparing for a goal, one imagines the satisfaction of achieving it. Once they’ve completed the objective, the pleasure might not be what they imagined. The ideal … Read more

Daniel Gilbert Immune To Reality

Immune to Reality, by Daniel Gilbert, is a book about the psychology of self-delusion. He describes himself as an experimental psychologist who studies happiness. This book is his first work of popular science, which contains some research done by him, along with stories he has heard from people all around him. The book starts with … Read more

Futile American Beauty

The American Dream is futile. There is not much point chasing after something that is pointless and unsatisfying once it is thought to be obtained. People thought that the American Dream was a measure of how successful you were in life. If you had a wife, two children, a nice house, two cars and a … Read more

Essay about Annie Get Your Gun Analysis

Feminist ideas have been around for a long time, but it was not until the early twentieth century that major social changes began to occur. During World War I, women slowly broke away from the social norms, as the country needed them to assume the roles of men in the society. The fact that women … Read more

Paradox Of Happiness Essay

According the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of Happiness is being pleased, being satisfied, and being lucky (Oxford Dictionary). However, the definition of being happy is different for everyone. There are many elements to one person’s happiness, whether that be fame or fortune, or something that most take advantage of such as a roof over their … Read more

Happiness Definition Essay

What is happiness? Marketing and media have brainwashed people’s brain into believing that happiness means to own possessions such as cars, big houses, or brand new devices among others. Unfortunately, this overstated fable is far from real. In fact, most people misunderstand that happiness is a choice that lies inside them. Weather to be happy … Read more

Success Definition Essay

Most people measure success monetarily. We spend the majority of our lives working towards success (“Defining success”). The word “success” is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Individuals who would be considered successful in this generation are Kim Kardashian or even Justin Bieber. These celebrities simply live … Read more

Happy By Roko Belic Analysis Essay

Happiness is a universal human objective that has recently gaining more traction in the field of human psychology, known as positive psychology. The documentary Happy, by director Roko Belic, explains that being involved in a community makes people happier. He also says that personal growth, close relationships and community feeling have a major value in … Read more