Why College Athletes Should Be Paid Essay

Athletes get paid, this will allow them to generate more income by using their marketable skills that colleges are investing into during the time they receive payment creating more jobs for other Americans instead of cutting back on spending due to lack of resources. Athletes get paid then it will be okay if athletes don’t finish college because they will have an income coming in even if they failed or quit school so there won’t be any backlash against them where others would judge them for receiving money and not having a degree to prove their worth.

Athletes get paid, coaches can focus less on recruiting and fundraising which can help keep other jobs at universities stable by reducing risk of people losing their job because there’s less pressure on sports teams where Athletes are not paid for their physical abilities, but they do get paid by colleges for their time and talents. Athletes at the top level of their game like to be paid because if they were paid, then they would be able to focus on their game. Athletes that play at low levels like to be paying because it justifies why they are not as good as the athletes at top levels.

Athletes that play college sports love their sport and love playing for their school, they do it for their school pride and they feel like they are already paid because they get a full ride scholarship, but they still would like to be paid. Athletes should not be getting paid especially with the amount of money that college football brings in even though some people believe that some players have more potential on earning money through endorsements then others who play collegiate sports. Risks: There is a risk of a lot of controversy between whether or not athletes should be paid.

Athletes also have the risk of being hurt from playing too much if coaches overplay them, so there’s a risk on the organization side of paying them because they might get injured. Athletes have a lot of pride and it can be risky to get paid because then colleges won’t look as good. Athletes risk losing their free ride scholarship if they are being paid for playing college sports where many people don’t see that as fair. Athletes also have the risk of not focusing on schoolwork when they should, so there is a management risk. Advantages:

There are a lot of benefits of athletes getting paid, one is that athletes will have more time to play their sport and focus on what’s important which is practice and preparing for games instead of worrying about how much money they have in the bank account or working part-time jobs where coaches can’t control that. Athletes get paid, the multimedia teams also benefit because they might produce more footage of high profile athletes like football and basketball players to make money off their game footage which can help them be successful financially.

Athletes get paid, they will play better knowing that they are receiving money for what they do on the field or on the court by working together with coaches, trainers, managers, and other teammates where all of them collectively work together as a family to achieve one goal making everyone happy. Athletes get paid then colleges don’t need as much money from fundraisers which reduces the risk of people not donating as much money if athletes aren’t getting paid.

Athletes who receive payment will take it as a profession and treat college as more of a job where they will work hard to be successful. Athletes get paid, then college becomes an even playing field for every sport instead of giving scholarships to certain athletes. Athletes can provide more entertainment on the sidelines so there’s more excitement on game day with crowd reactions and organized cheers leading up to game time. Athletes get paid, it takes away some pressure off university employees who are struggling financially so there is less risk of their jobs being cut or decreased in pay.

Athletes get paid, this will justify why they aren’t as good at the collegiate level because they were getting paid more money than others which makes them not focus as much on schoolwork like others did when they committed to only one sport and had free ride scholarship offers. Athletes get paid, it will provide motivation for athletes to play more sports which can help them become stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally by overcoming adversity while also becoming well-rounded in more than one sport.

Athletes get paid, there won’t be as much of a financial stress on the university because they don’t have to pay so much money out of pocket or fundraise as much for players not getting paid. Athletes get paid then they might choose better leaders that are able to function professionally off the field when they receive payment instead of not being motivated with many student-athletes who are receiving free ride scholarships.

Athletes get paid then college becomes an environment where everyone is equal instead of unequal where some athletes are getting paid where others aren’t and that’s not fair. Athletes get paid then they might not cheat as much because they know it means more to play the sport if they are getting paid which will help them maintain a higher GPA because their pride would be on the line instead of only academics like it is now where athletes who receive money might prioritize other things over schoolwork.

Athletes get paid, student-athletes will feel safer knowing that they have a safety net for after college in case their team doesn’t draft them or give them an opportunity to play professionally which can prevent depression and suicide rates from increasing. Athletes get paid then everyone treats each other like normal people instead of “student” and “athlete” titles where no one feels special or valuable by receiving a full-ride scholarship.

Athletes get paid, college life might become more exciting by having athletes perform better in school to show that they are the best academically as well as athletically which can attract more fans and viewers who can watch games live or on television for a fee to help bring a profit to the university. Athletes get paid then colleges will save money by not having to pay coaches as much because now they don’t have to win as many games where they make less revenue from ticket sales, merchandise, donations from boosters or alumnae/i, and television contracts with media companies to broadcast sports events.

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