Why People Wear Short Weave Hairstyles Essay

Weave Hairstyles are very popular with the modern day black woman. The fact is that even your typical famous celebrity is rocking the fabulous fake hair extensions. The weaves give the woman a chance to try different styles while letting her hair relax from all the chemical processing, styling, blow drying, straightening, curling, and more. A woman could rock short weave hairstyles one week and long weave hairstyles the very next week. Now, here is a secret that you might not know. Some of those celebrities that wear curly hairstyles for black women are actually wearing hair weaves. This is a well kept secret by famous hairstylist that design the weaves for their even more famous clients.

Short Weave Hairstyles
The average person probably things that weaves are all those flowing and long looks that…

Women have all kinds of personal reasons for wanting to wear the curly weave hairstyles. One of the top reasons is to give their natural hair a break. In other words, they are tired of manipulating their hair with combs, brushes, dryers, curlers, straightening irons. Giving the hair a chance to relax is also a good way to keep their own natural hair healthy. Curly weave hairstyles are also much more natural looking on the black woman. The textures range from very kinky to a more relaxed curl look. One thing to remember is that the curly weaves require more maintenance than their straighter counterparts. You will have to take extra care to make sure that they do not get tangled. Take extra care in washing, conditioning, and drying. This is especially true for the woman that opts for the sew in human hair weave or bonded weaves. Fortunately, there are plenty of products to help women maintain a fresh and curly weave hairstyle for a longer time. Whether you are wearing the short crop long or long sexy curls, curly weave hairstyles are definitely here to…